Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

(Sadness and Sorrow begins)

"What?" Amaya asked weakly.

"I'm sorry honey but it's for yours and our children's safety! I can't risk them kidnapping you and our precious ones too!" Gaara sighed as Amaya took a step back away from him.

"Amaya... Please just try to understand me..." Gaara pleaded as Amaya bit her lower lip hard enough to draw out blood.

"You don't want us here..." she whispered as she looked down.

"Baby it's not like that! The kidnappers already announced as long as there's inter or mixed relations in Suna they're gonna kidnap the next victim and most probably it's you and Akira!" Gaara said in exasperation as he explained for the hundredth time.

"So you rather take the advice of the elders? Send me away? So you can spend more time with either Matsuri or Hakuto?" Amaya asked as she looked up.

It broke Gaara's heart to see her beautiful green eyes wet and flowing freely with tears down her porcelain skin...

"Amaya please... I will never cheat on you..." Gaara reassured her as Amaya shook her head.

"You did it before..." she whispered as Gaara ran his fingers frustratedly through his hair.

"My god are you gonna bring that up again Amaya?!? I told you it happened a long time ago! We were fighting and I didn't even know where our relationship stood after you slapped me and decided to call it off! Besides it was only kissing Matsuri!" Gaara yelled as Amaya's body trembled with anger.

"Only kissing?!? How about I kiss another guy let's see how you'd like that?!?" Amaya shot back as Gaara narrowed his eyes at his wife.

"Amaya... Do not test me Amaya..." he growled as he took big strides and gripped her waist tightly.

"You are going to Konoha tomorrow with Akira whether you like it or not as I won't risk my family's safety... But if I find out that another man is interested in my wife and so much looks at her or even thinks about her inappropriately... I'm gonna make sure he regrets even being born..." Gaara warned but Amaya was never afraid of her Gaara.

Gaara can be intimidating but she loves that side of him. That part of him reassures her that no matter how dangerous he is, he will always have a soft spot for her...

Amaya was exhausted from all the fighting...

She made up her mind.

Since tonight is her last night in Suna, she's going to spend it in a most memorable and passionate way with Gaara.

Because she's not leaving for Konoha.


Gaara's P.O.V.:

My alarm clock woke me up and I groaned as I pushed myself upwards, eyes still closed and reached around for that bloody clock to switch it off.

After it has stopped beeping, I cracked my eyes opened slowly and looked around the room, smiling to myself as I thought about how Amaya and I made love yesterday night...

She was extremely submissive yesterday and I vented out my jealousy and possessiveness on her by giving her one hell of a furious sex. I laid claim on her by biting her neck and breasts all over and she didn't even push me away like she did most of the time. I got so carried away I let Shukaku took over me and made a claim on her by biting near the back of her neck... She held back the pain and just whimpered sexily. She got a pounding of her life from me as I didn't show her any mercy since she got me aroused like that...

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