Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

(Danzo's Theme begins)

"Thanks Akame. Now I know why Kakashi-sama assigned you to look after Hinata and Boruto..." Ibiki said as Akame handed the 2 ANBUs from Root Organisation over to Ibiki.

"Hn..." he said as he just pushed them forward towards the tall jounin.

"They weren't easy to take down. Root ANBUs are trained to be extremely skilled ninjas. Yet your shadow clone can take on the ANBU who was left at the collapsed house." Ibiki complimented again as Akame turned around to walk away.

"Thanks..." he muttered quietly but Ibiki heard it and smiled at the ANBU's retreating back...

"By the way, where is Yamato?" Akame said, careful not to use the title 'captain' in case anyone in Konoha suspects anything amiss..

"Talking about Root and come to think of it, I haven't seen him or Sai around for almost a week." Ibiki replied as Akame stiffened a bit.

Something's not right... And both were from Root...

"Thanks Ibiki..." Akame said again without turning around and quickly walked off...


"Have you found those two?" Danzo asked one of his ANBU who tilted his head sideways.

"Two as in Yumi and Miko?" he asked as Danzo slammed his walking stick onto the ground.

"I meant Yamato and Sai!" he growled as the ANBU bowed down. "From day one I already told you I want Yamato and Sai here!!"

"Sorry Danzo-sama. The first time you said two of them we thought you meant Amaya and Akira. After that we thought you meant the Mizukage's twins..."

Danzo took a deep breath and asked again.

"Where are they?"

"They're on their way here. Do you want me to send them to you the moment they arrive?"

"Yes. Send them here in my office..." Danzo muttered as he looked out the window. "If they refuse to listen to me, I'll have to burn the mark back on their tongues... It's going to be easier now with Kakashi's absence as the Hokage..."

"Danzo-sama!" another ANBU burst into the office, panting and exclaiming his report. "Akira Hatake is going berserk again! Most of our best ANBUs are already injured from trying to hold him down as he keeps destroying the cell grilles! He doesn't know how to control his powers!"

"What about Amaya? Is she still on the drip?" Danzo asked as he turned around.

"Yes Danzo-sama! Amaya is on the drip and has been unconscious but Akira's drip is not working on him maybe since he just only activated his bloodline so his hormones are more active than usual!" the ANBU explained and Danzo sighed as he walked out of the room.

"I'll deal with Akira Hatake myself. What about the twin girls?"

"They're still unconscious... It'll take them another two hours before they awaken!" the ANBU who burst in reported.

"How is the Nara boy doing?"

"He's actually coping well sir but he seriously sleeps a lot." the ANBU scratched his head uncertainly.

"Alright put him in a cell with Akira." Danzo ordered as both ANBUs in the room jaws dropped.

"D-da-danzo-sama??? Are you sure???" the ANBU who was initially talking to Danzo asked.

Danzo raised an eyebrow.

"You doubt me?" he questioned and both ANBUs shook their head.

"N-n-no! It's just that if you put that Nara boy with the Kaguya boy like that... The latter is going to end up killing the other boy..." the other ANBU answered as Danzo glared at them.

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