Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

(Setting Sun begins)

Amaya's P.O.V.:

"I told you I want to see my son!!!" I screamed as I fought back the ANBUs who were surrounding me.

"Just follow Danzo sama's orders will you?!?" an ANBU on my left raised his voice as I controlled bones to shoot out from my 10 fingers.

"Try and hold me back..." I growled as the sound of a walking stick halted my next move and I turned around to see that son of a bitch.

"Danzo!!!" I yelled. "I want my son!!!"

That old bastard stepped out from the shadows and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I told you only after you complete your task then will I let you see Akira." he answered and I doubled over in pain as I recalled back the bones from my fingers.

"Amaya! I told you not to exert yourself didn't I!" Karin shouted as she caught up to me.

"Karin! How can you let her out of your sight!" Danzo scolded her and Karin mumbled an apology as she forced me to bite her arm.

I shook my head furiously and used one hand to push her arm away roughly.

"I don't want to bite your arm... I don't need your healing chakra..." I said weakly as I stared at Danzo in an exhausted state.

"Please..." I begged but Danzo just turned away.

"It's time. Lock her up with Jugo." he said as Karin helped me up and called an ANBU over.

"Carry her." she ordered but he was unsure until Karin snapped at him.

"She's too weak to fight back already! Don't be a scaredy cat!"

The ANBU quickly rushed over and carried me bridal style.

Karin is right... I was too weak to fight back as I just let the ANBUs escort me to a cell with a person named Jugo...

(Setting Sun ends)


(Hyouhaku begins)

Akame's P.O.V.:

"Inoichi, do you know where is Sai?" I asked as I finally managed to get Ino's father to talk to me in private.

"Hmm no. I know he's not assigned to any mission because if not he would have dropped Inojin at my place. But he and Inojin hasn't been visiting since Ino went on that conjoined mission." Inoichi answered and I crossed my arms.

"This is not good..." I thought to myself but didn't say anything more as I thanked him and quickly rushed to Sai's house.

I've been going to his house, he hasn't been back for a few days and I'm afraid my suspicions might be right...

I summoned a young snake that can fit in my ninja pouch and let him smell Sai's and Inojin's scent.

"Remember these two scents." I ordered as the snake nodded its head and wrapped itself around my neck.

I then quickly made my way to Captain Yamato's house, which coincidentally as told by his neighbours to me, has also been empty around the same time Sai was reported to have stopped visiting Inoichi...

I placed the snake that was wrapped around my neck on Captain Yamato's stuff and commanded it to remember the scent.

"Now lead me to them." I told my summoned and the snake nodded as it slithered on its way...

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