Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

(Homecoming begins)


"How's Akane?" Gaara asked his wife who cuddled on the bed beside him.

"She's finally asleep." Amaya yawned as she turned to Gaara.

"How did the meeting go with the elders and the Kages?" she asked as Gaara looked at the ceiling in full thought.

"Well, the elders apologised for their actions since they always do stuff without consulting me first. Even the other Kages chided them. The Mizukage thanked Kakashi for returning her twins. She actually had no idea Kakashi was away to search and rescue them. Neji just told her that Kakashi was away to do his own stuff as a way to protect Konoha's welfare. She said if she had known she would have definitely followed him as she didn't even had any leads." Gaara told Amaya as she blinked a few times before asking her next question.

"What about Matsuri and Hakuto? Are they still deployed in the same building as you? Or are they allowed to go back to being tutors at the ninja college?" she asked, trying to keep the anxiety out of her voice but Gaara knew his wife better.

"Well..." he said as he looked at her and sighed. "I decided to make Matsuri my bodyguard and Hakuto my secretary. I'm taking the elders' advice..." Gaara began and Amaya frowned as she touched her lips and blinked while pretending to be in deep thought.

"You know... You might have been actually a bit late in interrupting my kiss with Jugo... And he might have also seen more than just the love bites on my neck since he has put me to sleep on our cell bed before... I mean there was only one bed and we were the only ones in that small room..." Amaya ranted before Gaara narrowed his eyes and climbed on top of her, making Amaya yelped in surprise.

"I told you I will make you pay didn't I..." Gaara whispered as he nibbled her ear.

"You already made me pay on our first night back here!" Amaya pouted.

Gaara had bitten her harder than before. He pounded her till she was so sore she couldn't walk properly for days...

"That's not enough!" Gaara mumbled into her neck as Amaya's voice turned serious.

"Seriously, you're following the elders' decisions?"

Gaara was silent for awhile before answering her.

"No actually. They're going back to the ninja college as tutors."

Amaya bit her lip and Gaara looked up and smirked at her.

"Why? You're jealous?" he asked.

Amaya frowned.

"I think Jugo might have actually seen more than just my neck as he's always around when Karin has to strip and treat me..." Amaya began and Gaara couldn't take it anymore as he pushed down and took off his boxers and slipped Amaya's panties to the side, shoving his full 9 inches hardened member all the way in.

Amaya whimpered sexily as she moved her hips to accommodate to his girth and thickness...

"Gaara! I just gave birth!! You already didn't give me a break on our first night back here!!" Amaya whined.

"You sure you wanna taunt me some more Amaya..." Gaara growled in a deep voice as he stared intently into his wife's eyes.

"Hmm... Maybe..." she whispered as Gaara started moving in and out of her at a rapid pace.

"I'm gonna make sure you won't be able to even get up from the bed tomorrow!!!" he threatened her as he increased his speed with chakra...



Boruto: 14 years old (son of Naruto and Hinata)

Himawari: 7 years old (daughter of Naruto and Hinata)

Inojin: 14 years old (son of Sai and Ino)

Shikadai: 14 years old (son of Shikamaru and Temari)

Akira: 17 years old (son of Gaara and Amaya)

Akane: 7 years old (daughter of Gaara and Amaya)

Yumi & Miko: 14 years old (twin girls of Ao and Mei Terumi)

Chou Chou: 7 years old (daughter of Chouji and Karui)

Sarada: 7 years old (daughter of Sasuke and Sakura)

Daisuke: 5 years old (son of Sasuke and Sakura)


"Ready for your first day at ninja college?" Sakura asked her preschool son...

"Why can't I be in the same classes as Ne-chan??? Ninja college sort students out by different subjects chosen not by age right???" Daisuke pouted as Sakura picked the little boy up.

"I know..." she said gently as she spiked his hair properly with one hand. "But you're too young to be taking the intermediate modules okay baby..."

Daisuke shook his head when he heard his name being called from behind.

"Daisuke, give papa a big kiss." Sasuke smiled as he held out his arms to his son.

Daisuke grinned as Sakura passed him over to Sasuke and the Uchiha tickled his son's waist, making the boy giggle.

"Geez papa. Daisuke is not a baby anymore." Sarada mumbled as she stood beside her father.

"Alright mama and papa has to go off already okay? Bye Sarada. Bye Daisuke." Sakura smiled as she kissed both their foreheads.

Sasuke set his son down and kissed them both.

"Sarada, bring your brother to his class. He will get lost since he's too young to read the map." Sasuke reminded as Sarada rolled her eyes and nodded.

"Papa! I know the way very well! I can also read the school map!" Daisuke pouted again as Sasuke smiled and gave him an extra kiss on the cheek.

"Take care of yourself kiddo." he said softly as he held Sakura's hands and they both leapt away to report to their new Hokage; Uzumaki Naruto...

(Homecoming ends)

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