Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

(Jinchuuriki begins)

"Let's get the show on the road..." Jugo grinned as he expanded in size and his limbs and muscles cracked to grow at an inhuman rate...

Gaara narrowed his eyes and summoned Shukaku's physical form.

"Shukaku, take Amaya and Akira outside! Temari and the rest are there! I'll handle this joker here! Come back here once you're done!" Gaara ordered as Shukaku nodded and carried Amaya and Akira with each paw and quickly jumped out the window...

"Come back here! Amaya is staying with me!!" Jugo yelled, letting his temper take over and Gaara made hand seals, firing sand shurikens at Jugo with high velocities.

Jugo used taijutsu to fight off the barrage of sand shurikens as he advanced at a rapid pace towards Gaara.

Gaara's sand manipulation from his sand gourd immediately protected him from all directions as Jugo tried to find an opening to attack.

"Let's see how you defend yourself against this! Pile driver punch!" Jugo exclaimed as his hand changed into a huge bulky brown arm that is not proportionate to his body and he punched Gaara's left side of the face.

Gaara's sand skin which is second armour started cracking off his face as the Kazekage smirked at Jugo.

"You underestimate Amaya's husband..." Gaara taunted him and that got under Jugo's skin.

"She will be a replacement for Kimi! Besides you don't know how to treat her well!" Jugo yelled as he took this chance to punch Gaara's left side of the face again.

Gaara's head cracked apart and Jugo cursed himself when he realised Gaara had already replaced himself with a sand clone.

"Damn it where are you?!?" Jugo roared as he then went on a rampage to find the Kazekage...


Akame's P.O.V.:

I used my chokuto to slash away the shackles that held the two captives...

"Hey buddy..." Sai smiled weakly at me. "How's life?"

I smirked at him as I did a shadow clone and the original me carried Yamato who is barely conscious.

"I pulled through Sai. I win the bet." Yamato murmured as Sai slowly showed a thumbs up.

I rolled my eyes as I did another shadow clone.

"My clones are gonna get you guys out of here and back to Konoha. Once you're back get Tsunade sama and Sakura to heal you both." I told them and Sai winked at me.

"I know it's you. Should I tell her?" he teased as Yamato groaned in pain.

"Don't push your luck Sai or he will just leave us here..."

I turned and raised two fingers as I walked away...


Kakashi's P.O.V.:

I've always desired to do this for Itachi Uchiha, my disciple...

"Good afternoon." I spoke as I landed behind Danzo.

He turned around calmly as if he's expecting me and continued sipping his cup of tea.

He took his time then set it down on the table as he took his walking stick and began walking towards me.

"Never expected to see you so soon. Kakashi." he said as I crossed my arms.

"Ah... Sorry if I gave you a heart attack. I forgot that you're an old man." I smirked as Danzo gave me an amused smile.

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