Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

(Confronting begins)

"Akira!!!" Amaya yelled as she fell to the ground with blood at the side of her lips. "Run!"

Akira's eyes widened as the root ANBUs from Danzo's organizations surrounded him.

"It's useless Amaya Kaguya..." Danzo spoke as his sharingan glowed a bright red. "You can never beat Shisui Uchiha's eye..."

"You bastard! You will never control me, my son or my unborn child for that matter!!" she shrieked as she stood up, quickly pulling out a spine bone from her back and charged for the ANBUs...

"Tsubaki No Mai!" she yelled as she used the sword to take down her opponents with quick and precise strikes.

Very soon the 5 ANBUs who were surrounding Akira were on the ground.

Akira cried when he saw his mother transformed with so much blood as she's trying her best to regenerate...

But due to her pregnancy, she's healing at an extremely slow rate...

"I'll never let you take my son..." Amaya repeated as more ANBUs appeared around Danzo.

"No one can find you here..." Danzo taunted and used his sharingan to paralyse her with a genjutsu. "Like I told you before, no one can come close to contend with a sharingan like Shisui's..."

Amaya struggled to close her eyes but she couldn't and was forced to just stare into Danzo's mangekyou sharingan...

"Take her and her son alive..." Danzo ordered as the 50 ANBUs rushed for her and Akira.

Akira suddenly screamed in pain as bones started protruding from his arms and legs.

Amaya's eyes glanced back at her son in disbelief...

"I've never taught him before... How does..." she thought to herself as Danzo answered her question.

"I found out from Orochimaru that a Kaguya bloodline works like a sharingan. Under stress or trauma, it will be activated. Kimimaro's bloodline was activated when Orochimaru injected the cursed seal in him... Adapting to the cursed seal's powers can be painful as it affects the person's strength and mentality..." Danzo explained as Amaya started sweating... "Akira Hatake is a natural and in due time, he too will be an excellent shinobi like Kimimaro was..."

Akira took out 30 ANBUs as he impaled them with accurate and lightning strikes.

But since he just only activated his powers, he was too exhausted and didn't regenerate as fast as he should, allowing the other 20 ANBUs to tackle and hold him down...

"Now, time to put the two of you under my genjutsu since you have confirmed how to activate your bloodline..." Danzo said as he stared into Akira's eyes as well...


"By the way Kakashi sensei, who is taking over you as Hokage? I know Gaara has Kankuro but who..." Naruto grinned as he poked his former mentor.

Kakashi stared at him with bored eyes.

"Neji is the acting Hokage." Naruto widened his eyes as he pointed an accusing finger.

"You never pick me yet you chose Neji! How could you?!?" Naruto yelled as he stomped his foot and Kakashi crossed his arms.

"For the very reason that you're exhibiting to me. Neji is a matured senior jounin that is very capable of being the next Hokage compared to you."

Naruto was about to open his mouth when Akamaru gave a loud bark...

Gaara was horrified to land his eyes on the surrounding.

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