Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

(Minato Saves Kushina begins)

"Sakura, you need to eat." Sakura's mother scolded her.

"I'm not hungry."

"Sakura, you have to stop pining for Sasuke! He's irresponsible to leave you like this! First he left you even after you poured your heart out to him because of his grudge against Itachi! Now he has found a new grudge, he leaves you again just when he started dating you!"

"Mum, stop it."

"No I won't Sakura! You are not getting any younger! Why don't you give that Rock Lee a chance? He's a nice and polite boy! He's really interested and serious about dating you unlike that Uchiha boy!"

"Mum stop! I don't like Lee and I don't want to hear anything anymore about Sasuke!" Sakura cried out as she ran out of her house.

"Sakura come back!" her mother yelled as she sighed. "This girl will be the death of me!"


"You know she's hurting about you right." Kakashi spoke to the black haired man before him.

"Kakashi-sensei, there's just something I have to settle. I can't go back and meet her now. I want to be with her for real with no problems bogging me down and now is not the time!" Sasuke snapped at his former mentor.

"I am the Hokage now Sasuke. I can't keep meeting you in secret like this unless..."

"Unless what?"

"You come back and be an ANBU in the Pegasus team. I'll give you team leader position."

Sasuke's eyes bogged out.


Kakashi rolled his eyes.

"That way you can keep me updated about your secret mission and yet stalk Sakura at the same time."

Sasuke's cheeks turned bright pink.

"I am not stalking her! I was just asking you about her well being!"

"Well now I'm giving you a chance to stalk her. Besides, I heard she might be considering to date Lee..." Kakashi crossed his arms with a smirk as Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the Hokage.

"Kakashi-sensei... You promised to look after Sakura for me!"

"I promised that yes, but if Lee can mend her broken heart why not? That is still considered looking after her..."

Sasuke gritted his teeth as Kakashi gave a light chuckle.

"Fine-fine. So how about my offer?"

Sasuke pondered for awhile.

"But... I have to be team leader and can't really give my all for my secret mission..."

"Hmm... How about my bodyguard?"

"Then I can't follow Sakura as I always need to be around you if not the other ANBUs are gonna be suspicious that I'm not doing my job."

Kakashi then snapped his fingers.

"Be my ANBU maid!"

Sasuke activated his Chidori.


"Alright fine! Just be a normal team member in an average ANBU team since you wanna keep it low." Kakashi suggested as Sasuke thought for awhile before nodding his head.

"Fine. I'll take your offer."

Kakashi then took out his Icha-Icha Paradise book and saluted Sasuke in an informal way.

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