Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Amaya's P.O.V.:

I cracked my eyes opened slowly as I blinked a bit and tried to focus on the ceiling. There was a dim hue in my environment and I could hear a girl's voice talking to me...

"You're awake. I thought you're gonna use up all my chakra then you'll start waking up." a red haired girl hovered over me.

She was wearing spectacles and has weird red pinkish eyes...

"Huh???" I asked weakly and she helped me to sit up.

"My name is Karin. I am your nurse and has been healing you since you fell unconscious. How are you feeling?" she asked and I looked around the room again before focusing my eyes on her.

"Huh?" I asked again and she rolled her eyes.

"I said I'm the one nursing you back to health since you fell unconscious!" she snapped slightly and I tilted my head sideways.

"Wasn't I kidnapped by Danzo?" I asked and Karin nodded her head.

"Yes you were." she said and I gasped as I touched my stomach and then looked at her.

"My..." I asked but she gave me a slight smile.

"Your daughter's fine." she said and I widened my eyes.

"You managed to find out the gender already?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders.

"You're already nearing 6 months. Why not? I needed to do a full check up on you anyway."

"How about my son?!?" I asked frantically as I tried to get out of bed.

"No! Amaya you have to rest! Your body is still recuperating for your daughter!" Karin exclaimed as I froze.

"Where's my son..." I asked her softly and she stared hard at me.

"Your son is still alive but he doesn't know how to control his new found power. He's always going berserk and hurting himself but don't you worry, Danzo-sama will know how to calm him down." Karin reassured me but I shook my head violently.

"No! I won't let Danzo or his stupid ideas anyway near my son!" I raised my voice as I tried to stand up and when I did, I felt a sharp pain all over my body.

"Ah! Ouch! What's going on?!?" I shrieked as I immediately sat down again, letting the pain ebb away.

I clutched the bedsheets with both fists and panted as I looked at Karin.

"Amaya, I told you you're recovering right..." she said and I took a deep breath before replying her.

"It wasn't this painful with Akira..." I said and she shook her head.

"Each pregnancy differs Amaya. Akira has proven he is a strong child as he activated his bloodline powers at a tender age. We're not talking about powers like sharingan or Byakugan that doesn't hurt to activate them. We're talking about Kaguya bloodline powers. Even adults who activated a Kaguya power can't handle the pain but Akira is still holding out. Maybe that's why your first pregnancy is not as painful as the second one." Karin finished as I sighed and laid back down on my bed.

"Tell Danzo I wish to see my son..." I whispered after awhile as Karin nodded her head and walked out of the room...

(Itachi's Theme ends)


(Fooling Mode begins)

"Boruto, you have to cut down on your intake of sweets!" Hinata scolded her son as Sakura paid for the cotton candy and passed it to the happy blonde boy.

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