Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

(Loneliness begins)

"Let me go!" Amaya cried out as she pounded her small fists weakly against the cell bars that she was kept in. "Please just let me see my son!"

There was a growling sound and Amaya slowly turned around to see a black face with sharp teeth staring back at her. The creature before her has orange hair and was sniffing her all over as Amaya trembled and tried to back herself further up against the grille..

She was too exhausted to use her bloodline to defend herself so she just reached out to the creature before her and placed a hand on its cheek.

The creature flinched a bit when Amaya did that but Amaya didn't pull back her hand.

"Help me... Please..." Amaya pleaded as the creature finally made eye contact with her...

Amaya saw that its eyes were black with yellow pupils...

The creature trembled as it slowly tried to sit up and Amaya witnessed it transforming into a human...

A guy with orange hair to be exact but his clothes were tattered and torn in some places...

"What... What-what... What are you..." Amaya whispered as the man groaned in pain and held one side of his head as he looked up at her, squinting his eyes hard.

"I'm sorry to scare you like that..." the man spoke as Amaya's lips quivered and she hugged her pregnant stomach with one hand to calm herself down. She always feels comfort when she feels the baby kicking inside of her...

Amaya's mouth opened and closed as the man sat up straight and looked right at her with wide eyes.

"You're not Kimimaro yet you have very similar chakra aura as him..." the man commented and Amaya swallowed her saliva as she answered him.

"He's my twin brother."

The man's eyes widened as he registered the new information.

"Oh... Well... That explains the scent..." he said and Amaya bit her lips.

"But I never met him before."

The man raised an eyebrow in surprised and then decided to introduce himself.

"My name's Jugo. Kimimaro was my best and only friend...  It's an honour to meet his sister..." Jugo smiled and Amaya studied his face closely.

He's actually a handsome man with defined jawline and fair skin... What a contrast compared to the creature just now...

"I see that you're pregnant. I'm so sorry to have scare you like that." Jugo's voice snapped her out of her daze and she tilted her head as she looked at him.

"Erm well... My name's Amaya... What happened just now?" she asked and Jugo frowned.


"Just now... You... Were something else..."

"Oh that..." Jugo said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Well?" Amaya pressed.

"Erm... That was my cursed mark skill... It's a skill only by my clan, a bloodline limit to be exact..." Jugo explained as Amaya processed the information.

"Danzo told me Kimimaro's bloodline was activated because of the trauma he went through when injected by a cursed mark seal... So that seal was from you?" Amaya asked softly as Jugo struggled to answer the beautiful woman before him without offending her.

"Erm... I... Uhm..." he stuttered.

Amaya waited patiently as he then blurted his answer.

"Yes... But I had no idea Danzo sama used my skill for that! I swear I never meant to hurt your brother!" he reasoned as Amaya gave a soft smile.

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