Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Gaara frowned at the newcomer before them..

They have already met up with Akame, who looks damn familiar from his posture and the way he talks... Gaara know this guy from somewhere...

"So you're saying Yamato has been kidnapped?!?" Kakashi asked, raising his voice a bit as Ino's eyes watered slightly.

"Not my Sai and Inojin too! How did you find out about this??" Ino asked anxiously.

"I figured it out since Root was involved in all this madness, they will surely try to get their hands back on Yamato and Sai. Reason simply being those 2 shinobis are top quality ninjas that Danzo ever groomed." Akame answered as Ino sobbed, clutching the hem of her shirt.

"I hope they're okay..." she whispered as Temari hugged her.

"I know they'll be fine." Temari said firmly.

Ino wiped away her tears, nodding her head.

"So what's your plan?" Gaara asked Akame.

"I've been spying on Danzo for awhile now so I know all of his secret passages. However, security has been tight the past 2 weeks so it's difficult for me to sneak in and get updates."

"So what do you suggest?" Shino asked as Akamaru sniffed the air.

(Kushina's Theme ends)

(Lightning Speed begins)

"We've got company." Kiba spoke and suddenly, around 100 ANBUs surrounded them, all leapt out from the trees and they were led by a blue haired guy who carries a huge sword around with him.

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the leader before speaking.

"That's Zabuza's sword..."

The blue haired guy raised an eyebrow as he grinned.

"Well now it's my sword. I heard you took Samehada away from Kisame senpai. Since you're here, won't you be so kind as to give it to me?" the guy said back.

"You'll have to get it from Killer B from Kumogakure. I gave him the Samehada since it is a water based chakra." Kakashi spoke as if getting the sword from the 8-tailed Jinchurriki was no big deal.

"Are you mocking me?" the guy asked in an annoyed tone as Kakashi shrugged his shoulders.


The guy grinned even wider.

"This will be fun. The name's Suigetsu Hozuki. I've been ordered to lead this ambush. You won't be able to get pass us." Suigetsu said with confidence as Shikamaru turned to Temari.

"You stay here and fight okay. I'll get Shikadai. I trust you to make this clearing clear and safe for Shikadai to be brought out." Shikamaru spoke as Temari nodded firmly, taking out the fan she always carry on her back.

"I WILL make it safe not only for Shikadai but for the rest too, hurry! Go and get them!" Temari urged as Gaara turned to Matsuri.

"Stay here with Temari, you know best her fighting style. You'll be her support. I need Hakuto to follow me in case Amaya needs a medical ninja to heal her due to her pregnant state." Gaara explained as Matsuri nodded obediently and went to stand beside Temari.

Before anymore planning could be done, Suigetsu signalled for the ANBUs to attack the group..

"We're staying here too! You guys go now!!!" Kiba yelled out as Shino gave a nod of approval before the two of them including Akamaru, jumped into the fray.

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