Not Giving up.

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Copyright @ 2013 By Shelbsters15. All rights reserved.


Hello, everyone!! Sorry for not updating faster! Last week was my birthday, and I have been extremely busy, but I'm back now! :D

First things first... This chapter is dedicated to Dayemmm, for making the wonderful cover for me! Thank you so much!! :D

Now, I want to say thank you to you all who have voted, and commented on the last chapter. Really, THANK YOU. :) Every vote helps. :)

Don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter!

I'll let you read the chapter.


-Shelby. :)


~Chapter Six~

"Class, we have a new student today."

I have heard this statement several times in all my school years. Every time I heard it, I always thought that the person was going to be a loser, freak, crazy person, or some kind of kid who's done something wrong. Because let's face it, if you're starting a new school, it means something has happened to cause you to start a new school. And most likely it's not something good.

Even if it's a cute guy, there is still a reason why he was moved to a different school.

The class becomes quiet, and I can feel all eyes on me.

I've never been shy before. In fact, I'm very outspoken, but right now, I feel a little timid.

The English Teacher looks at me, and smiles. "Her name is Lyric. Now, class, she has a little disability."

No! She's not!

"-She cannot talk." I feel my face heat up, and a few of the girls in the front row, who were giving me the stink eyes, glance at each other and smirk.

My life is already over.

"But, that doesn't mean that we're going to treat her any different, does it, class?"

Some snicker, and others nod their head sincerely.

If I were in their shoes, I would probably snicker too.

The Teacher, Ms. Hammond's, points to an empty desk in the second isle, next to a girl who's wearing glasses, and isn't even looking up, she's looking down at a book.

"Ms. Martin, you can sit there, next to Ms. Carlyle." She tells me.

I grimace inside. I would rather sit by myself.

I slowly walk to the desk, ignoring the strange and curious looks from some of the students.

"Shouldn't she be in a special Ed class or something?" I hear some girl whisper, and another person laugh.

My blood starts boiling.

It's the first class of the day, and I already am getting talked about. Stupid teacher.

I place my bag down on the floor, and slide into the desk like I have done hundreds of times at my old school.

The chick, or Ms. Carlyle, looks up from her book, and at me.

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