Chapter Thirty Two

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~ Chapter Thirty Two: Lifted Curse ~


           Éowyn runs out of the room to the front of the Golden Hall. She stands staring out, with her long, blonde hair blowing in the breeze. She sees three horses riding towards Edoras, as the standard on the flagpole next to her, flutters loose and gets carried away by the wind. 

Gandalf and the others ride into Edoras. As Aragorn reaches the outside gates, the standard flutters to the ground next to him. People begin to stare at them, as the four ride. Aragorn looks up to see a maiden dressed in a white dress standing in front of the Golden Hall.

"You'll find more cheer in a graveyard." Gimli grumbles.

Aragorn looks back at the Golden Hall, but the woman has gone.

Later, they walk up the steps to the Hall. Hama and his guards walk out, towards Gandalf and his friends.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue."

Gandalf thinks for a moment, then nods at the others. They hesitantly hand over their weapons.

"Your staff." Hama says expectantly.

"Hmmm..." Gandalf looks at his staff. "You would not part an old man from his walking stick."

Hama looks at the Wizard for a moment, then turns and leads them forward. Gandalf winks slyly to Aragorn, before following Hama, holding onto Legolas's arm. Aragorn and Gimli follow cautiously.

Hama pauses at the door and lets them pass. Grima is sitting beside Théoden, whispering in his ear.

"My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming. He's a herald of woe."

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late... Théoden King." Gandalf says strongly.

As they walk forward, a group of menacing guards follow them.

"He's not welcome." Grima whispers.

"Why should I welcome you... Gandalf Stormcrow?" Théoden asks weakly, before looking to Grima for agreement.

"A just question, my liege." Grima gets up and walks towards Gandalf. "Late is the hour, in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest."

"Be silent." Gandalf hisses. "Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death, to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." He lifts his staff in front of Grima's face.

"His staff." Grima says, shocked. "I told you to take the Wizard's staff!"

The menacing group move to attack Gandalf. Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli fight them off. Gandalf continues to walk towards Théoden. Gamling prepares to join the fight, but Hama holds him back.

"Théoden, son of Théngel... too long have you sat in the Shadows."

Grima sits up in an attempt to get away, but is stopped by Gimli standing on his chest with one foot.

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