Chapter Fifty One

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~ Chapter Fifty One: Arachnophobia ~


Back at Minas Tirith, it is dark. Catapults fire balls of flame over the walls. The trolls all pull on a rope each which suspends Grond on its scaffolding. They pull the battering ram back as the Orcs continue to chant. It is released and crashes hard into the gate which shudders with the impact.

"Back to the gate!" Gandalf yells. "Hurry!"

Archers and Gandalf rush to defend the gate, as Grond is released a second time.

Meanwhile, Pippin looks from the high parapet over the flaming city. He turns back to see Théoden leading a procession, holding a flaming brand. Faramir is being carried on a stretcher.

"I am steward of the house of Anûrion." Denethor mumbles. "Thus have I walked, and thus now I will sleep."

Pippin runs towards them, and watches the procession pass him in astonishment.

"Gondor is lost." Denethor says. "There is no hope for men. Why do the fools fly? Better to die soon then late. For die, we must."

They pass on to the tombs, bearing Faramir with them. Pippin follows on a little behind, watching where they go. Denethor opens the doors to the tomb, and walks in with the procession following.

"No tomb for Denethor and Faramir." He says. "No long slow sleep of death embalmed. We shall burn like the heathen Kings of old." He turns to the followers. "Bring wood and oil."

Back at the gate, Grond continues to hammer it.

"Steady!" Gandalf yells. "Steady!"

With a mighty crash, the battering ram breaks through the center of the gate.

"You are soldiers of Gondor." Gandalf says to them. "No matter what comes through that gate you will stand your ground!"

Grond hits the gate once more, and it bursts open. In charge Cave Trolls, brandishing huge maces, and Gandalf looks alarmed.

"Volley!" He shouts to the archers. "Fire!"

They fire into the Trolls, and the infantry lower their spears in defence. Orcs advance on them, and there is fierce hand-to-hand fighting. The Trolls follow up, swinging their maces from side to side sweeping aside the soldiers.

Meanwhile, Frodo is moving along the pathway. He spots a lookout tower, and pauses to look at it. He keeps his eyes on it, as he slowly begins to move again. Without him knowing, Shelob emerges from a crack, and begins to follow him. She climbs up directly above him, as he continues to move. Suddenly, Frodo hears a slight noise, and looks behind him. Seeing nothing, he looks around in other directions. From behind him, Shelob crouches down, and points her stinger at him.

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