Chapter 3-Party and bullshit

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Chapter 3- Party and bullshit

June 8

"So are you staying tonight?" I asked Lottie. She shook her head. "Can't. I've got school tomorrow." She explained. My eyes widened. "So why are you coming clubbing?" "Mum said as long as I'm home by one it's fine." I sighed and nodded.

"Are you looking forward to moving out?" I asked her as I caked my eyelashes with the black mascara. "I'm ecstatic. I can't stand being in that house any longer." I laughed. "Are you still dating that dude?" I asked trying to remember his name. "Martin? No. I'm actually dating another boy now. He'll be going to my Uni." I smiled. "Ooh cool! Is he cute?" She nodded with eyes wide.

"His names Luke." "Luke is a hot name. All Luke's are hot!" She nodded and laughed.

"YOU GIRLS READY?" I heard aria yell. I observed my outfit in the mirror.

I was wearing a tight, sparky grey dress. It was actually arias but because I put on so much weight nothing fits.

Lottie was in a short purple dress with a pair of black heels.

"COMING!" I yelled back to aria.

Everyone was downstairs waiting for us. "Looking hot." Harry whispered wrapping his arms around my waist from behind."

"I actually missed you so much." I whispered spinning around on my heels. We stared into each others eyes for a few minutes. We both started to lean in. 

"COME ON GUYS!" Eleanor said interrupting us. I groaned.

"Okay let's go." Harry said taking my hand.

"Lotts what do you want to drink?" I asked getting up from the booth. "Whatever you're having." "You alright with WKD?" She nodded. "The orange one please." She called after me. I put up my thumb signaling that I had heard her.

"Hey mate can I get 2 WKD's one orange one blue." I asked the guy behind the counter. "ID please?" My eyes widened. "Don't I look 20?" He shrugged. I groaned and pulled out my ID from my bra. He looked at it and then back up at me. "Okay good." I rolled my eyes.

It's not like he could deny me...

"Did you want glasses with that?" I shook my head. "Na man it's alright." I said handing him a £20 note. "Keep the change." His eyes widened. "That's like a 9 pound tip though..." I shrugged. And picked up the two bottles and walked towards the booth. "That guy asked for my ID. I was like 'I don't look 20?' Like do I look 17?" I asked Eleanor. She shook her head. I just laughed.

"Here you go Lotts." I said handing her a WKD. "Thanks."

I took a sip of my drink.

"Do you really think you should be drinking." A voice said behind me. I laughed. "I can control my drinking now. I'm not gonna quit forever!" I said laughing. I span around to see Harry. He smirked and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"And did you wanna dance?" He asked huskily. His voice was low and gravelly.

"Yep." I placed the bottle behind me and Harry pulled me to the dance floor.

This is gonna be a long night...

We entered Harry's home. It was 3:34am. My phone beeped.

@LottieTommo: went clubbing with my big sis @TayTomlinson, @EleanorJCalder, @AriaSkyes, @CreeMariah, @SkylarSimpson and the 1D boys. So much fun!! Ahh

I RTed it.

@TayTomlinson: sick night. Knackered tho. Gonna spend tomorrow with him <3 and thenn flying to America #BigTunes coming for y'all. #BIGLove x

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