Chapter 1-Uh Taylor?

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Chapter 1- Uh Taylor?

June 7

This was my first interview since I got out.

Out of the hospital. And out of rehab.

This was also the most important interview of my life. Oprah doesn't take shit. She wants to get down to the dirty.

"So tell us. We all wanna know Taylor." I gulped. "We hear you overdosed. Is that the truth? We have been waiting a year to hear the truth. That night it was full of paps. When you were carried out by the gurney and people who were following had cigarettes in their hand the whole world presumed the worst." I sat opposite Oprah and sighed.

"No that's not the truth." I paused. "I'm fed up of people talking about what they hear via the media. Don't believe anything until I've said it myself." I said sternly. "So what's the truth Taylor?" She pushed.

"I didn't overdose. I was stabbed 36 times in my stomach." Oprah gasped. "By who?" "My step father. And my adoptive mum was there to watch."

"Were you actually smoking that night Taylor." I sighed.

"Yes. Yes I was smoking and had a lot to drink."

"What were you smoking?" I took a deep breath. "Just weed." "Just. Just?" Oprah chuckled. "Look I had been smoking it for a while. I was stressed. It would calm me down. I was nowhere near being addicted. I didn't smoke unless I was partying. If I was around family or some other people I wouldn't smoke. I wasn't addicted it wasn't something I needed I just wanted." Her lips perched. "And why were you stressed Taylor?"

"My best friend had just died. My album was stressing me out. My mum was stressing me out. Everything was. I can't actually remember a lot from that night. It was mostly a blurr."

That night at my party I was in the back smoking and drinking with Miley, and some other people I didn't actually know but were celebrities in some way.


"Miley make me a roll-up mine always come out fucked up yours are perf." She laughed as she grabbed the grinder and papers.

"Ah it's all in the practice hoe." I laughed.

I grabbed a lighter and started smoking the roll-up Miley had made for me.

"YO! Birthday girl you gotta taste this drink!" Some guy I didn't actually recognize slurred. I nodded and stretched my arm so he could give it I me.

I puffed out some smoke and took a sip of this drink. "Ugh what the fuck!?" I said laughing. "Why is there lumpy shit in it." "We put some powder in it!" I laughed and put the drink down. What idiots.

I was now on my 9th roll up. "You're a natural!" A guy announced as he watched me take a puff. I laughed.

"Dude you're so high. What's Harry or your brother gonna say?" Miley asked concerned. I through my hands in the air and shrugged. "Who gives a fuck." I asked resting my head on Miley's shoulder. "Look go to the bathroom and get presentable. Here's some mints." I took it from her. "Thanks babes. See you soon." I said kissing her cheek.

I stumbled down the hallway and then suddenly everything went black.

~~~~end of flashback~~~~

"Now we have heard you have been through a tough life. You have never actually spoken about this or your relation with the Tomlinson's. Kindly explain?"

I had forgotten all about Lottie, Mum, Louis everyone. I wondered how they were.

"Ha. Well until I was 18 and came to London with my friend Jess we had to get away. I was abused everyday. And starved. My neighbor used to tell me I was fat, but all I could think was 'how could I be fat if I don't get fed.' Anyway she lead me to believe this and she taught me how to throw up. Lets just say I had it really bad in Nottingham. Nobody was there got me. My adoptive mother suffered from a severe depression and let Steve take over her own life."

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