Chapter 17-Part 2

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Short chapter! Sorry! Be so busy as I start school on Tuesday so I had to go to school like three times this week to set stuff up. Ugh it's gonna be terrible I won't know anyone.

Anyway before u read this chapter a huge congratulations to the gorgeous perrie Edwards and Zayn Malik on their wonderful engagement. I'd forgotten to say that in last chapter. Anyway enjoy!

Chapter 17-Part 2

September 22

"Who was that babe?" Harry asked as I walked into the bedroom. "Lottie." I said still shocked that my sister had just called me.

"What did she say!?" I sighed as I crawled into bed resting my head on his chest. "She wanted to meet up today." I said blandly. "You said yes right!?" I shook my head. "I told her I was busy." I stated. "You should of said yes. She's in University babe. She doesn't have a lot of time in her schedule. Call her up and tell her you'll meet up." I sighed. "Harry. We are helping Ari and Niall move out." I said raising an eyebrow. He laughed.

"Taylor you know you wouldn't help. Neither would Ari." He paused. "Now go talk to Lottie. You deserve an explanation." I sighed.

"Fine." I groaned.

I picked up my phone and sent Lottie a text.

TO LOTTIE - plans have changed. You in Donnie?

FROM LOTTIE- yeah but ill come up 2 Lndn if u want. Probs b easier x

TO LOTTIE- yeah we can go shopping or something. Wanna meet at aroma 4 lunch?

FROM LOTTIE- yes! Sounds good! The usual aroma we used to go to right ? x

TO LOTTIE- mhm. See u at 12.

"Harry I swear if this doesn't go well I'm blaming you." I heard him chuckle deeply.

"Why blame me!?" He asked as I put my second layer of mascara on. "BECAUSE YOUR MAKING ME DO IT?!" I yelled back as I walked towards my closet and pulled on my shorts.

"That's so not fair." Harry whispered gravely in y left ear as his arms snaked around my bare waist making me jump ever so slightly.

He kissed my neck softly and pulled away walking towards the bed and collapsing on it.

"Depending on what Lottie has to do and depending on if she agrees to be my bridesmaid, ill bring her home here to try on her dress." Harry nodded. "I probably won't be home till seven. It's gonna take a while to get Aria and Niall stuff out!"

~~later that day~~

It was 3am by the time I got home. "Oh my god that was so much fun Lotts!" I giggled.

Drunk was an understatement right now.

We were both beyond drunk.

After we met at Costa Coffee and Lottie had apologized for her behavior, we went shopping.

After we came back to mine and nobody was home so we had decided to go to the club.

I take that back.

Lottie decided we should go to the club.

It's not that I didn't want to...

Actually that is it. I didn't want to go.

But after going I feel so much better. I almost felt free? Like I didn't have a care in the world.

I didn't have to worry about anything or anyone. I didn't have to wedding plan. I was free at that moment in time.

"Can you believe I've never been to that club before?" I laughed as we both stumbled into the kitchen.

"How? It's like the best club here in London! You're the one that lives here!" I laughed and shrugged.

"I want pasta. Do you want pasta?" I asked flipping the kettle switch.

"I'm tired." Lottie said completely ignoring my question as she span in circles. I laughed and picked up the boiling kettle and poured it into a large stainless steal pot.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere the circular pot fell to the tiled floor. Hot water all over my feet nod legs. Splotches of Ayer on my arms and stomach.

I screamed loudly as my skin began to burn.

"TAYLOR!" Lottie squealed as she ran over towards me.

"TAYLOR? TAYLOR?!" Two different manly voices yelled through the house.

"KITCHEN!" Lottie yelled for me.

"God dammit!" I yelled as I pulled off my heels and fell to the floor.

Comment and vote. Next upload...Tuesday!

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