Chapter 10-Acting Weird-Part 1

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Chapter 10-Acting Weird-Part One

filler chapter

July 28

We arrived last night around 10pm and fell right to sleep.

Harry and I had flown to the one place I've wanted to go all my life. Ever since I was a little girl.

St.lucia. I had seen pictures of the large white-chalk beaches. The music festivals where people like Amy Winehouse, God rest her soul, sang and performed.

I'd always wanted to set foot on the beaches over here. Latin down a towel on the hot grains and sunbathing. Playing in the crystal blue water. I've always dreamed of it. Both Jessica and I did.

We had always said that we were going to set foot on one of the beaches over here together. Arm n arm.

Harry walked out of the shower. A towel wrapped around his wait. His wet hair dropped over his forehead.

"Harry how long are we here for?" I asked as I pulled out my black and white bikini. "We fly back on the 3rd at 1am and arrive in England on the 4th at 2am." He said putting on his swim trunks."

"Harry..." I cooed. He laughed. "I know what you are going to ask." He paused. "It's on tonight and yes we're are going." My eyes widened in delight. "Are you serious?!" I asked excitedly.

Saint Lucia has the best Jazz festival in the world and we were going.

"Yes I'm serious!" He said laughing. (A/N the festival is in April- May just pretend its happening in July)

"It's like a step up from our first date." I said smiling remember how he made me go on that date with him to the Jazz club and made me sing. Ha.


The comfortable jazz music got louder my every other step making my heart pound. "You alright?" Harry whispered softly in my ear. My smile must have now spread ear to ear. "Yes. I'm extremely excited." He laughed. "Will you be singing at the karaoke?" He asked as we walked down a small hallway. "I might you know. It would be fun. Why not?" He smiled. "Now I'm extremely excited to hear you sing." I smiled.

Harry let go of my hand and walked a little faster getting in front of me. I frowned.

He then pushed open a white door. Oh. I smiled again. My frown disappearing.

"Thank you." I smiled. My eyes widened as I looked around the club. There was a huge stage with a few people jamming out playing their chello.

"Harry this is incredible!" I said looking around. He laughed. "Sometimes I like to come here on my own to think ya'know." He paused. "Have a little drink. Listen to some chilled music. I like it." He smiled stirring his coke with his red straw.

"Mhm." I paused. "I like the atmosphere." I smiled looking around.

"It's nice." He agreed smiling.

~~~end if flashback~~~

That Jazz club was basically where it all started. Where I realized my feelings for Harry I guess.

"Indeed." Harry chuckled lightly a he bit his lip.

"Hey you sure you're feeling alright babe? You're still looking pale. Maybe you shou-" he cut me off. "No. I'm-I'm fine." He said firmly. I sighed. "Okay. You ready?" I asked grabbing two towels.

We were going to the beach for half the day until 5 when we would come back here and get ready for the festival.

We entered the empty elevator. I knew something was up with Harry and I was determined to find out.

"Hey Harry. I heard you on the phone when we were at your place and you were in the gym." His eyes widened. "W-What?" He stuttered staring forward not even taking a glimpse in my direction.

"Yeah I can clearly remember you saying, 'Yeah it was good catching up we don't get alone time much. Yeah I missed you too.'." I said in a deep tone trying to mimic his voice. I heard him gulp. "Yeah. What's your point?" He asked with a gravel to his voice. I bit my lip and the elevator doors swung open. He walked out and I hastily followed.

"I was just wondering who it was." I said shrugging.

"Eleanor." He said as he shrugged. "El?" He nodded. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Okay..." I said drifting off slightly.

But the question was, why would he be talking to Eleanor that way?

What was wrong with him? Why was he acting so jumpy and strange?

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