Chapter 10- Acting Weird - Part 2

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Chapter 10 - Acting Weird -  Part 2

I loved it here. We were totally disconnected from home back in England. It felt right. We hadn't yet seen any paps and we were just relaxing on the beach. Away from the internet. And even time away from the fame.

"This is so relaxing." I mumbled as I switched and flipped onto my back so I could tan. "Ya know you look really sexy in your bikini." I heard Harry say. I could help but laugh.

"Harry are you slightly horny?" I asked squinting my eyes as I looked at him. The sun beamed down onto my face. He laughed. "No. Cant I tell my beautiful girlfriend that she's sexy?" I laughed. "You can tell me all the time." I whispered as I crawled towards him. He smirked. I kissed his lips softly. "I love you so much." I said between kisses. He smirked into the kiss.

I pulled away. "We should get back for the festival." I said standing up and brushing the sand off the palm of my hands. He nodded. "Lets go gorgeous."

I dressed  into a white bandeau and a black flowing tank top. I put on a pair of simple blue shorts from New Look. I grabbed my black bag and re-did my makeup with mascara and black eyeline. I put on a nude lipbalm and braided my side fringe and pulled it back with a hidden bobby pin. (Outfit on the side)

"Harry you ready?" I asked walking out of the hotel bathroom. He nodded. "Lets go."

"Harry there are so many people here!" I whispered as we arrived to the line. He chuckled. "Lucky I got people to get us to the front." A smile spread across my face. "Are you serious?" I asked happily. He nodded. We put eachothers braclets around our wrists. 

The first people to come on were The Jacksons. "Harry oh mmy god is that seriously The Jacksons?" I stuttered. He laughed. "Indeed it is." "Holy fuck." I whispered under my breath.

"Trying to live without your love is one long sleepless night

Let me show you, girl, that I know wrong from right

Every street you walk on, I leave tear stains on the ground

Following the girl I didn't even want around

Let me tell ya now

Oh baby, all I need is one more chance

(To show you that I love you)

Won't you please let me back in your heart

Oh darlin', I was blind to let you go

(Let you go, baby)

But now since I see you in his arms"

I sang and danced along to the old Jackson 5 song. Wow this was incredible. "Harry-" I turned to my left. He wasnt there.

I turned to my right. He wasnt there.

"Um did you see where a tall curly haired man went?" I asked the fella behind me. He shrugged. "Sorry girl I dont know." He had a harsh accent. I furrowed my eyebrows. We didnt even have phones. 

The song soon stopped and I hadnt stopped looking for Harry. I had stayed in my exact spot in front of the stage. I turned around on my tip toes and looked arround at the thousands of people in the crowd.

"Hi everyone. My name is Harry Styles." My eyes widened. I span back around on my heels.

Harry couldnt sing on stage! This was a jazz festival and last time I checked he wasnt in a jazz band. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"So theres this amazing girl and I love her more than anything in the world. I promise to stay true and faithful to her for the rest of my life." He spoke into the microphone. I couldnt help my grin widely. He then came towards the edge of the stage. The crowd went completely quiet. He knelt down on one leg. "What are you doing?" I mouthed as he scooted closer to the edge. 

"Taylor Louise Tomlinson. Will you marry me?"


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