Chapter 1

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Spyros head felt weird, he groaned as someone jabbed him in the side. "Spyro! Spyro, open your eyes. Get up!" He dozily opened his eyes to see Cynder was the one who jabbed him, he slowly rose on his aching legs.
"Cynder, what happened? Where are we?" Cynder looked around and shook her head.
"I don't know. It's all a blur." Spyro nodded.
"Yeah, me too. My head's pounding."
"Shhh. Wait! That's not your head. I heard it too." Spyros heart was racing now and he fully got up and spun around.
"What is that?... Sparx, is that you?" Spyro yelled.
All of a sudden the room lights up revealing it's a large coliseum, filled with weird little tree things, that didn't look friendly. Cynders eyes widen and said.
"For once, I wish it was." Cynder said sarcastically looking at them and then said. "And what are they doing?"
Spyro shook his head and said. " Well I don't know about you but I don't want to find out come on." He said as he started to walk away but then he felt a choking sensation on his neck  making him stop and take a step back as Cynder was still walking away but then stopped and turned around. "what's wrong with you?" She asked in confusion at his sudden stop.
"I don't know, I just felt like I was being choked by something." Spyro answered in the same confusion. But then he saw a flash on Cynders neck and walked closer and he saw that there was a Snake like collar rapped around her neck. Cynder saw he same thing on Spyros neck and in unison they said " this can't be good."

-~~~~~~~~With you~~~~~~~~~~~~

You groaned as you opened your eyes. You sat up. Bad move. The instant you sat up you felt nauseous, you lay back down, but you feel funny, like you had extra limbs or something. You open your eyes again and look around. This isn't your home. In fact this is not even a place you know, your heart starts to race as you look around more from where you were lying down, but then something (f/c) caught your eye you look backwards and wish you hadn't because when you did, you saw was a (f/c) tail attached to your ass with a (f/c) (whatever you want) on the tip of it. You freak out and look at your hands...well paws and saw that you had (f/c) paws with
(f/c) pads on the bottom, with (short/long) claws. You look at your body and it looked like you were (f/c), (with stripe,spots,etc, or none).
You look at your shoulders and see (f/c) wings lying motionless on the ground beside you, you move your shoulders and the wings twitch. You sigh and continue inspecting your body. You see (whatever kind of spikes or something, or none). You put you paws on your face and feel a muzzle, you open your jaws and feel your teeth, they were definitely sharpe. "Teeth as sharp as the sun." A voice said in the back of your mind but you shook it off and continued, you feel up your head and find (however many) sets of horns on your head that were (horn shape). You try to set up again and feel that most of your nauseousness had disappeared and got up, trying to get use to walking on four legs, you start walking down a hallway and hear noises, like growling and, and talking, your heart swelled with hope that you had finally found someone else in this hellhole, but as you approached the room your heart stopped as did you. There in that room that was surrounded with lava and fire was two dragons that looked like a male and female and they were killing these little things that for some reason looked a lot like little tree people, but as you were looking at the dragons fight, the purple male looked at you for a split second, even if it was just a second it made your heart stop and you ran to hide behind a pillar just before he looked to where you were standing again just a second ago, but then he shook his head and went back to fighting before any of those things could hit him.
"Oh my g-god".you toke a breath." That was close."  You say as you look behind the pillar, only to see the two dragons stopped fighting and everything went silent. You breathed a sigh of relief thinking it was over when suddenly there was s terrifying screech and then the ground started to rumble, you look up again only to see a giant lava like Demon crawl up on the platform and the two dragons ran to something on the ground and broke something you couldn't see, and they started to run and then they jumped off the edge of the platform towards the lava but then they spread their wings and started to fly towards the Demon things hand and attacked it.
In your mind you were screaming "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU TWO CRAZY YOUR GOING TO GET YOURSELVES KILLED." But then you heard footsteps coming from behind you and so you panicked and looked around and saw a little piece of platform under the one you were on so you take a deep breath and jumped down on to the platform only to see a arrow shot into the demons eye and fall back into the lava, you toke a step back into the shadows as the two dragons started to run across the fallen pillar onto the platform on top of yours. You breath a sigh of relief, but apparently you sighed to loudly because all of a sudden you stop hearing pawsteps, you hold your breath when you hear the steps coming closer to the edge of platform on top of yours and stop "HELLO, WHOS THERE?" the voice sounded to close for your liking because when the supposed male voice spoke it almost made you jump, he was right above you, so if you make a single noise you'll be discovered.
But then karma came to slap you In The face because you feel a cough rising in your throat to the point you couldn't hold it any more.
Then you thought to yourself." Just a little longe- *COUGH*, * COUGH*.
"What was that?" A female voice asked.
"Oh no." You thought to yourself " I have to make a run for it." But how would you do that you had unknown dragons and something else above you and you were surrounded by lava, how would you escape?


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