Chapter 2

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You look around in panic trying to think of a way to escape, but the only way out is to fly and you still don't know how to even lift your wings off the ground. I mean maybe their nice, but you can't afford to trust anything here. "damnit" you thought. "I'm running out of time here, if I don't move now I'm done for." Your breath hitches as you hear the paw steps coming closer. "I only have two options here, I can live or I can get caught." But before you could think, you started running towards the edge of the platform, your unexperienced legs running as fast as they could carry you, you winched in pain as you felt your wings scraping the ground as you ran,but you couldn't stop, and your tail flying behind you and then...nothing, you could no longer feel the ground underneath your paws.
Your body started to fall towards the fiery chaos down below. Your heart felt like it stopped, along with time itself. "DAMNIT WINGS, WORK." You scream to yourself, as you started falling closer to the lava, your body started to burn. But then all of a sudden you looked up only to see that purple dragon jumping off the platform that was above yours, and dive down towards you.
You didn't watch him any longer, because you had problems of your own. You look down, only for your heart to speed up, as you see the lava closer then ever, "one last attempt." You thought to yourself. You tried to move your wings and spread them out, but then you look down and see that you weren't falling anymore, instead you were gliding across the surface, but your success was cut short, for that purple dragon was gaining on you, you started to flap your wings as fast as you could possibly manage, and it looked like you were making quite a lot of distance between you and him, but it looked like he wouldn't be giving up so easily. "Hey, wait!" He yelled and started to fly towards you. At this point that black female dragon was flying after him.
You look around for a possible way out but saw none, you continued to fly at top speed, looking around again, you saw a little opening in the crack in the wall, "this is my only chance." You said to yourself and started to fly towards the crack and landed very clumsily and fell, but scrambled up and started to race to the opening and started to wiggle your way through, you were almost out, but then you felt something bite your tail rather painfully and start dragging you back into the hellhole.
"no, No,NO,NO!" You started to yell as you desperately started to claw the ground in any attempts of escape, but to no avail you were dragged back and thrown sideways and hit a wall and fell down, as you staggered up you were body slammed back down, and the breath was knocked out of you as the attacker pounced on you and dug their claws into your shoulders. You had tears in your eyes and used your tail to try an hit the dragon, but before you could you heard a voice "Cynder that's enough." You felt the claws stop digging into your shoulders and looked at the owner of the voice, and saw a cheetah with a cloak draped over his body and a Bow strapped to his back, along with the arrows, you saw a flicker of turquoise under the hood he was wearing, his tail twitched with irritation, he opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off when the purple dragon landed, he ran over to us and you felt the weight disappear off your back and you could breath again. You look up to see The dragon named Cynder walking towards that purple dragon and said "hey Spyro." And nuzzled into his chest, but all he did was just walk right past her and start walking towards you, which led to you staggering backwards a few steps and snarl at him showing off your Sharp teeth. "Teeth as sharp as the sun." Echoed through your head as your snarl faded for a moment as you shake your head trying to get rid of the voice. While you were trying to get rid of the voice. Spyro started to slowly inch closer to you and said "hey are you alright?" His voice was so close it made you jump and swat at him and snarled "get away from me." But he very skillfully dogged your attack. At this point Cynder was lowly growling at you and you snarled back.
"Spyro" He turned his attention to Cynder as she began to speck in a growl "I think this" She looked you up and down in disgust. "Dragon, is a spy." You were starting to lose your temper, you could feel anger boiling up inside you, to where you had to stiffen yourself from clawing that look off her face, I mean she's saying this and your maybe 5 feet away from them your not deaf.
You had to bite your tongue, so you wouldn't  say something that would start a fight.
"What makes you think that?" Spyro asked while tilting his head sideways a little.
"Because she attacked me." She said. At this point you were shaking in anger and opened your mouth to defend yourself, but hunter beat you to it.
"If I am correct, YOU attacked first" Hunter stated and continued " and besides if this dragon" he pointed a furry finger at you " Attacked first, why is it that you are unharmed and this dragon is?" He stated with crossed arms. "Bu-" Hunter cut her off. "And to make my point, I saw you on top of this dragons back holding her down."
"You can't prove that." Cynder said with confidence.
"Don't be so sure of yourself." Hunter said while slowly walking towards you. "Can you turn around for me?" Hunter asked while doing a turning motion with his finger. You glared up at the tall cheetah, but then saw the panic in Cynders eyes and slightly smirked, slowly turning around with a snarl you sat down facing the wall as they looked at the deep claw marks with dry (B/C) blood that still clinging to your (F/C) skin.
You silently snickered to yourself as Hunter and Spyro looked at Cynder in disapproval.
Spyro shook his head and looked at you and said. "Sorry about that, I don't know how to make it up to you, um," He hesitated. "(Y/N)" You finally answered.
Spyro seemed to be I deep thought when all of a sudden he said. "Hey I know, my names Spyro, how about you come with us on our Journey?"

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