Chapter 7

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Special Thank you to Star_light6961 and @karikitdemon  for the idea.
(E/T) means Element Type.

You landed in the center of the village with Spyro on one side grinning and Cynder on the other side glaring at the villagers who gave you suspicious looks.

Spyro eagerly looked around the village before saying. "Wheres Chief Prowlus and Hunter? I must speak with them."

There was a pause before you could hear two pairs of footsteps walking towards you.
"What is it?" You heard a deep rough voice demand from behind you.

You quickly turned around. Right before you was Hunter and a orange cheetah with gray eyes that you suspected was Chief Prowlus.
Hunters turquoise eyes widened when he saw you.

"(Y/N)?" He said as he knelt down to your level and gently grabbed your chin and turned your face left and then right and then whispered. "Your alive!"
"Ya, I'm alive." You said sarcastically as you got out of his grip. Your (E/C) eyes looking around at all the confused looks. Some of them whispered among themselves.

"What does he mean, she alive?" and "What happened to her?" You could hear some of them ask others in a low voice.

"Yes do tell, what happened to this dragon that cause you to think she was dead?" Prowlus voiced what everyone was thinking as he glared down at you with gray, hostile eyes.
Hunter stood from his kneeling position and faced Prowlus.

"When I went into the mountain of Malefor to find Spyro and Cynder. A golem attacked them, but was Temporarily defeated. We were about to leave, but found (Y/N)."

"That still doesn't explain why you would think she was dead." Prowlus interrupted.
Hunter sighed with frustration and said. "I was getting to that. As we left the coliseum, we were attacked by the same golem again, but I don't know what happened next, because the doorway I was standing in collapsed, blocking my view."

Spyro walked beside you and Hunter and continued the story. "Me and Cynder were stuck on a platform when (Y/N) started to attack the golem, to give us a chance to escape. But when we reached the doorway, (Y/N) wasn't with us. So I turned around, only to see her get hit by the golem's fist and fall into the darkness below before one of the platforms were smashed into the doorway." Spyro finished before lowering his head.
'He does realize that I'm right here, right?' You sarcastically thought to yourself.

Prowlus scratched his chin. "I can see how that would give you the thought of her being dead, but then," He turned his attention to you. "how did you get out?"
You were about to answer, but then you heard a faint voice in the breeze. "Don't tell them about me."
You whipped your head around, but then felt stupid, because you know who said it and apparently no one else heard because they were all giving you quizzical looks.

"Well, get on with it." Prowlus said impatiently.
"When I woke up, I was surrounded by darkness. I tried to fly out, but my left wing had a gaping hole in it." You paused, and decided to start changing the story to keep your training a secret.
"So I walked, and walked for days, tired and hungry, just hoping to find a way out of the endless darkness. Just when I was about to give up, I saw a light. I ran towards it and just my luck, I found a Red Crystal. I broke it and it healed me, and I flew out of the darkness and out of that accursed mountain. I spent the night in a cave behind a waterfall, this morning I ate a deer and then Spyro and Cynder found me and brought me here."

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