Chapter 6

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You opened your eyes and stiffly stood up. You look over at the red crystal and felt a slight peg of sadness. You trained under the Chronicler for 5 days and then you had to say goodbye. It saddened you as you replayed his words. 'Will I ever get to talk to you again?'
'Yes, but not for a long time.'
You sighed and stretched your stiff muscles. You looked over at the crystal and used your claws to rip out a small fraction. You batted it away from the rest of the crystals and used your tail to smash it into little fragments. They quickly healed the wound in your wing.
Then you go an idea. You quickly walked back to the crystal and dug up another small fraction and set it down in front your paws.
"Chronicler, if your listening to me, do you see this piece of the red crystal?" You gestured your paw to the crystal. "I'm going to keep this as a reminder of your promise, and I'm not going to let anything happen to it until we meet again." You vowed to the red crystal, and you hoped that The Chronicler heard this, because you weren't joking.
You bent your head and picked the little red crystal up, carful not to damage it, and started to walk away, but turned your head to look at the red crystal one last time. "Goodbye Chronicler, until next time." You repeated his word through the crystal in your mouth. You turned your head to look up. You bunched your hind leg muscles and shot into the air. You flapped your (F/C) wings and quickly reached the top. You landed lightly on your feet and put down the crystal. You looked around and saw an opening in the ceiling, so you quickly picked up the crystal and shot into the air. You flapped your wings fiercely and halted at the opening. It was to small for you use your wings to fly out, so that means there's only one way to get out.
You firmly griped the crystal in your jaws and used your claws to dig into the stone before folding your wings back to your side. You struggled to get a foot hold. Little rocks falling as you clawed your way out of the opening, and once you were fully out, you could see two moons in the sky, one green and one a pinkish red, and a waterfall with a river that led into the forest.
You pushed off into the sky and flew over the trees. You found a cliff, but decided to keep going. You eventually found a valley with 3 waterfalls and a village. One of the waterfalls had a deep cave in, it was close to the village, but you didn't care. You landed behind the waterfall, getting wet in the process, and shook yourself before walking into the cave. You found that the cave had glowing mushrooms, which made it easier to find a dent in the ground for you to curl up in. You placed the red crystal under your chin, curled your tail around your nose and then placed your (F/C) wing over your face, so no light from the mushrooms could keep you awake, and closed your (F/C) eyes and fell asleep.

....Time skip to when you wake up........

You woke up with a yawn and stretched, but when you stud up, you felt weak and you didn't know why, that is until your stomach growled. Ya, I guess not eating for 6 days would do that. so you grabbed your crystal and decided to hunt.

You flew over the land. Your (F/C) eyes watching like a hawk. Then you saw it. A herd of deer in the middle of the meadow. You landed somewhere near them and put your crystal in a hollowed stump that was coincidentally in the meadow. Crouching down, you crept closer to the herd. You could hear their hooves thumping on the ground and their snorts and grunts.
Now that you were close enough, you could see a doe grazing the grass. It would have been a perfect target, but then you saw a fawn stumble up to the doe. You'd probably never forgive yourself if you killed a doe with a fawn.
You sighed and continued to look for a new target. You saw a male deer almost right away, so you silently crept towards him, bunching your muscles, and leaped onto its back. All the other deers ran as your claws ripped into the it's skin. The male deer bucked and made a high pitched sound. You quickly used your claws to rip open its throat.
The deer collapse onto the ground twitching. You felt a tiny peg of pity, so you bite into its throat until it stopped moving. You pulled away and started to eat.

_...................Spyro's POV.................._

Spyro sighed, today was the last day here. Tomorrow they would be leaving for War Fang.
Right now he was flying back to the village. He just got done searching the cave where they found Meadow in. The reason for that is the previous night when he was laying in the middle of the camp, staring up at the stars.
He couldn't help but feel guilty. It's been six days since (Y/N) disappear. Cynder keeps saying that she's dead, but something inside him wouldn't let him believe it.
Then he saw it. A (F/C) shape flying towards the cave they found Meadow in. He blinked and shook his head, but when he looked back, it was gone. He woke up Cynder, telling her that he saw something, but she just snorted and said it was his imagination. He managed to persuade her to check it out in the morning, but when they searched the cave all they found was a wet scent of water and paw prints leading in and out of the cave, so that means he did see something.

Spyro sat under a tree by the village. With Cynder, of course. She was talking about something, but Spyro wasn't paying attention. He was to distracted by the smell of blood in the air, the smell has been there for awhile now. He pinpointed that it was coming from he meadow. His Curiosity got he better of him, so he interrupted Cynder and said. "Cynder, what does the air smell like to you?"
She stopped talking and smelled the air and froze with wide turquoise eyes. "Blood!"
"Come on, let go see what it is." He said as he jumped up into the air and flapped his wings. He followed the blood scent to the meadow, but decided it was best to land just to be safe. He followed the scent on paw with Cynder not so far behind him. The scent of blood grow thicker and thicker. Then he stopped. Right before him were the bloody bones of a big animal. As he looked closer, he could see that all the bones had teeth mark, some broken with marrow leaking out. He couldn't tell what it was. He sniffed one of the bones and froze. He could smell blood...and (Y/N).
He shook his head. No, it couldn't have been you. He saw you fall with his own eyes.
"Spyro! Come look at this!" He heard Cynder gasp. He quickly walked over and saw paw prints leading across the meadow. Cynder bent down and sniffed the paw prints. Her eyes widened in disbelief.
"What? That's impossible. I-I don't even know what to say." She shook her head.
"Well I'm not going to give up, we have to find out if it's her." He said as he ran off following the paw prints.
He ran past a tree stump, but slowed as he came to the edge of the woods. Cynder had finally caught up with him and ran next to him. Cynder sniffed the air. "The scents getting stronger. Which means we must be getting closer."
They walked a little more, but then stopped. Spyros breath caught in his throat. Just a few feet away was a (F/C) dragon.
The dragon stiffened. Fear clawed at his heart as the dragon turned its face towards him...It was you...

_......................Your POV....................._

You heard a familiar voice and stiffened. You turned your head and saw spyro standing a few feet behind you. "How did he find me?" You asked yourself.
You turned so you were completely facing him.
"What are you looking at?"
His gaze saddened.
"We thought you were dead."
You felt slight anger boil within you and glared him. "Well I'm not."
He took a step towards you. "I don't even know what to say. I mean, we left you down there for dead. I-I just. There's no why of apologizing for it." He was right in front of you now. Your glare softened.
"I know it won't help but, please except my apology and come with us." He said with pleading purple eyes.
You sighed. You would have had to anyways. "Fine."
Overcome by excitement, Spyro nuzzled your cheek before walking over to Cynder and said. "Cynder, isn't this great? We found her."
You looked at Cynder. Her head was hung a little and what shocked you was the regret in her eyes, but it was quickly gone when she snapped her head up and said. "Oh, ya, right."
"Come on, we have to tell Hunter that your alive." Spyro said as he jumped into the air with you and Cynder following not far behind.
You flew beside Cynder and she looked at you.
"Hey Cynder Listen, we didn't get off on the right paw, so I was wondering if we could-"
"I'm sorry." Cynder interrupted and looked the other way. "I was mean to you when we first met. I didn't even give you a chance. And I'm sorry for that."
You looked at her. "Oh, it's fine, you didn't know me, and I'm to blame just as much as you are. Instead of trying to be nice to you, I was just as mean."
Cynder looked at you and laughed a little at your reply. "Ya, you were a good rival."
You looked her in the eyes and and said. "So I was wondering, could we start over and be friends?"
Cynder nodded her head. "Ya, I'd like that."
And thus your journey continues.


HOLY MOTHER OF MEATBALLS. Its been to long. I'm not even going to make an excuse for that one. But hey I'm back.
So you made up with Cynder. I wonder how this friendship will go? -_-

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