Chapter 4

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Ok I shall now give you the final 4 elements that have been chosen by you people's... SHADOW, EMBER *cough, cough* @JershonParscua *cough, cough*, SPIRITS, and DARK FURY

Spyros POV

"no." He whispered. 'W-what, but...but why?' "No!" He said louder as he shook his head as if it would help. 'Why would she do that, we're strangers to her!' He quickly ran to the caved in wall of stone that kept him from trying to find you. 'She knew she couldn't win.' He scratched desperately at stones. '...but she attacked the golem anyways...why?' "Cynder, help me move these stones, we have to find
(Y/N)." Cynder didn't move, she just stood there, guilt in her wide eyes as she stared at the stones. "CYNDER, HELP ME, WE HAVE TO-" He toke a breath as he tried to move the biggest rock. "-HELP (Y/N)."
With a blink of her eyes Cynder looked at Spyro with sorrow and slowly started walking towards him, watching his feeble attempts to move the stone.
"Spyro, it's useless, we can't move the rocks."
"But we have to-"
Cynder growled a warning, her head held high, piecing turquoise eyes glaring down on him, tail lashing. "Damnit Spyro, can't you see what (Y/N) did had reason to it." Her eyes softened.
"W-what." Spyro whispered in disbelief. "But...that can't be, why would she..."
"She did it to give us time to escape, without her, we probably wouldn't have made it out of that area without at least some bruises, broken bones, or worse, we could have died."
Spyros eyes widened at the thought of death, but then something that made his stomach turn came to mind. "But, what if she's not dead, we would be leaving her to suffer a slow painful death!"
Cynder shook her head. "Spyro, listen to me, (Y/N) saved us. If we were to go back and look for her, whatever happened to her would be in vain, do you understand now?"
Spyro had never thought of it in that way, even if they could move the stones, how would they find her, and what if she was dead. Their search would be in vain. "Can we at least wait for her, just in case she does show up?" Spyro asked in hope, but his hopes were soon shattered by her answer.
"No Spyro, we can't, we've waisted to much time as it is, what if the golem comes back?
(Y/N) wouldn't be here to save us, now come on."
Spyro toke one last look at the stone rocks before lowering his head, and walked away.

____________(Y/N) POV____________

Darkness...that was all that was there, the nothingness that swallowed everything, but you...
You opened your eyes and on shaky paws, forced your body to sit up, your muscles shrieking in protest as you did so. Lifting your head and scanned the area, or at least you tried, but it was to dark to do so. Everything was so dark and silent that you could drop a pebble a mile away and still hear it.
'How did I get here? All I remember was getting the shit knocked out of me and boom, I'm here.' You looked up and saw a faint light. 'Wow, I fell all the way down from there!' You crouched, bunches your muscles and jumped as high as you could in the air and started to flap your (f/c) wings, only to hiss in pain and land awkwardly on your paws. Squinting at your wings to see what the problem was, you see a gaping hole in your left wing, (B/C) scabs reopening at your attempt to get back up from where you fell.
"That's just what I needed, a useless wing." You growled. But just as you were about to sit down in frustration, you remembered some things.
"The others." You said in panic. 'What if they left me!' The thought of them leaving you to rot down here in the dark made your heart speed up in panic. But then you shook your head in anger. 'Even if they did leave me, it wouldn't matter. The only reason I'm down here is because of that bitch Cynder. She just had to chase me when we met.' You snarled and felt your blood boil.
'why couldn't she just leave me alone. I could have been trying to find out why I'm here. She's probably laughing her ass off, or celebrating at the thought of me being gone, I mean, they probably think I'm dead.' You started to walk away but then stopped at the thought of something. 'And Spyro, well...I don't know about Spyro, he probably doesn't even know what I did. You shook your head and started to walk away again. 'What are you saying (Y/N), they used you, they used you as a shield to bypass the golem.' You started to run as fast as you could as another sad thought crossed your mind causing your heart to hurt for some reason.
'I'm just a broken tool to them.' Your eyes started to grow blurry, so you shook your head. "S-stupid tears." Your voice cracked for a second. "I don't need t-them, I don't need anyone." You weren't paying attention, so you didn't see the rock jolting out of the ground, and tripped over it. (B/C) tears now flowing freely down your (F/C) face. Just as you were about to give up hope, you saw a faint green glow through your blurry (E/C) eyes. You shakily got up and slowly walked in the direction of the green glow. Your tears had stopped as you got closer to the glow, you had to squint your eyes to see, Since you've been in the dark for so long. As you got closer you saw it was a crystal, but it wasn't red, instead it was green.
You jump back as you heard your name being whispered.
You look around trying to figure out where the voice is coming from.
"Who's there?" You demand in a strong yet shaky voice.
"(Y/N), go to the crystal." The voice seemed to echo through out the empty space, making you nervous.
You obeyed and walked towards the crystal. "Where are you?"
"I am here, but at the same time, I am not."
"W-what?" You ask in confusion. "But, if your here, then how are you somewhere else? It doesn't make any sense."
"Never mind that, I am here to help you."
"And how are you going to do that?"
"You don't know how you got here, I need to awaken your elements, and I need to tell you how to get back to Spyro and Cynder."
"They used me, and I don't need them and even if I found them, I'd slaughter them." You said said with a deadly glare. It toke you a minute to process what he said, and then. "WAIT, YOU KNOW HOW I GOT HERE, TELL ME." You said, the thought of knowing how you ended up here excited you.
"(Y/N), The reason your here is my doing, I had chosen to send you here from another reality, your reality to be exact, you were a human from a planet called Earth, and the reasons for my doings are because a great evil has awoken, and I'm afraid it might change this reality forever, so I sent you here to help, for you have more power then you think." As he finished, you were shocked, you were from a different reality, and was a human from a place called Earth. You couldn't speak, the words were stuck in your throat.
"And now that I have informed you of what you once were, I shall give you your elements, and after I will teach how to use them. And I must tell you, not many can master even one of these elements, but because of your strength, you possess the power to obtain all 4 elements that even the legendary purple dragons don't have the ability to breath such power.
"And Dark Fury."
As he finished you started to feel tired, so you curled up next to the green crystal, and stared at it until you fell asleep.
When you opened your eyes again, you saw that you were somewhere else, and the green crystal was no longer there to comfort you. So you sat up and saw a little circle that was black.
"HEY, ARE YOU THERE?" You yelled.
"Yes (Y/N) I am here." The voice answered back.
"Are you actually here this time or are you somewhere else?"
You could hear him chuckle slightly. "Yes, this time I am actually here."
"So, what is this place?" You asked looking around at all floating rocks and platforms.
"This is a dream, so it does not have a pacific name, but this is where I will be training you, and for your information, it is where I trained Spyro when he was younger. Just this time we will not have gaps in between training, do you understand (Y/N)?"
"Yes I understand, and before we begin, can I ask you something?"
"Of course."
"What is your name?"
"I go by many names."
"Ok, then what's the name dragons call you the most?"
"The name dragons call me the most? Why, that would be Chronicler."



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