Chapter 15

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You walked in the direction of the red crystal you took with you when you came here, keeping an eye out for the glimmering gem, but also being aware of your surroundings.

It would be bad if something were to jump out and attack you right now, because you were still recovering from everything that's happened, in fact, you're just now getting hit with the effects of all the blood you lost in the fights, which made you stagger and sway on your path.

By then your mind found itself wondering back to what you told yourself in the fight with Spyro.

...He's still a crucial character in this story...

A crucial character?

It was strange, it seemed as of late not even you knew what you were saying or talking about, maybe it was just something you said in the heat of the moment to sound badass or something.

You had just barely reached the place you were aiming for, when your eyesight began to grow blurry. You shook your head to try and rid yourself of it, but found your legs giving out on you and then everything turned dark.


"Come on! Hurry up!" A little girl's voice yelled from down the stairs.

"Hold on, I need to put my gloves on!" Another yelled back, this one was much older then the younger one. She searched her room for her gloves with caution, not wanting to overlook them.

This girl was around 10 or 11 years old, she had no idea of where her gloves could be, they weren't in her drawers or closet, and they definitely weren't in the laundry... where were they?

"Momma!" She yelled, waiting a second before continuing. "I can't find my gloves!"

"(Y/n), I swear to god, if I come up there and find those gloves, you aren't going outside!" Her mother yelled back from the stairwell, not sounding very happy.

"I-um! Um- Nevermind! I found them!" She responded panicky, not wanting her mother to possibly find them and not being able to go play out in the snow.

She scurried around the room, looking for her missing mitts.

Maybe she could sneak out of the house without her gloves and go play, sure her hands would be really cold when she got back in, but she would still be able to play outside!

With an excited grin, she snuck down the stairs and past her mother and father, who were on the couch chatting the day away while watching TV.

Once she made it to the door, she slipped though the crack she made before closing it again.

"Ooooooooh, you don't have your gloves on! I'm telling!" A voice behind her squeaked.

She spun around and blocked the door with her body, not allowing her younger sister to get in the house. "But if you tell on me, you won't be able to play out here and you'll have to go inside with me, or you'll have to play by yourself."

Her sister huffed and pouted. "Fine! But I get to pick the game."

"That's fine by me." She responded, relieved that she wouldn't get in trouble.


The dream began to ripple away into another, causing you to stir, but not wake up, but instead, it faded into a different part of, what seemed like, the same dream.


"How could you hit your little sister in the face like that?! You should know better then to throw things at her! She's just a baby!" Her mother screamed, grabbing onto her small arms and holding on tight.

Small tears began to decorate her (E/c) eyes as her lower lip began to tremble. "It-it wasn't my fault, she's lying! I didn't hit her in the face! I hit her in the back of her head and she started crying!" She cried, trying to defend herself.

"I don't care! Why would you hit her?!" Her mother yelled, shaking her a little.

"She-she hit me first! And she started to run away so I threw a snowball at her and it accidentally hit her in the back of her head!" She began to cry more as she looked over her mother's shoulder at her little sister, who was smiling at her.

"No, she came up behind me and hit me in the head!" Her younger sister cried.

"Stop lying! You little bitch!-"

Her mother gasped as she slapped her oldest daughter across the face. "You never use that language, do you hear me!?"

The only thing she could do was let out a whimper as she sobbed, since her mother had ahold of her arms.

"You're grounded until I say so, and you're never getting on that game system ever again so long as you live with me, I'm throwing it all away! Do. I . Make. Myself. Clear?" Her mother growled, when the young girl nodded her head, she released her and went over to where her husband and youngest child were, leaving the other alone in the freezing snow, tears streaming freely down her face.

"What are you still doing out here? I said go to your room and don't come out, I don't want to hear a sound coming from you, got it? Now go!" She yelled, pointing towards the house.

Her little sister continued to 'cry' as she made her way into the house and up the stairs, where she opened the door to her room. She closed it once she was in and processed to cry her eyes out while holding her swollen cheek from where she was slapped.

She crumbled to the floor and sat there while her family played outside in the snow, trying to 'cheer up' her 'hurt' sister.

This crying child was you, (Y/n).

This was your memory.


You were woken up by someone nudging you.

"Come on hatchling! Get up, we have to move!" A baritone voice spoke urgently, nudging you one last time before seeing your eyes open.

He was a strongly built, green dragon.

"Good, you're up, now let's move, we don't have much time!" He said, and almost on cue, a giant rock came hurtling into the building right beside the two of you, sending debris flying everywhere.

"Come on!"


When I finish this story, I'll go over it and correct any errors and what not.


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