Chapter 10

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Whispers, that was all you could hear...there were many of them, whispering all at once.
You were unable to make out a pacific voice, they were all so jumbled together. But slowly they started to whisper in unison.

"You...did this."
"You monster."
"Look at what you've done!"
"Open your eyes and look at what you've done."

You slowly obeyed and opened your eyes, what you saw terrified you.

You were standing on a platform surrounded by red nothingness, with meteors falling from the sky. But that wasn't what scared you, no, it was the bloody and beaten body lying in the middle of it all.

You slowly approached it, only to see it was Spyro...his eyes were still open and he was breathing. "S-Spyro? Who did this to you?"

"You...why did you do this to me? I only wanted to help you." He choked out.

"Wh-what, I didn't do this to you, what are you talking about?" You asked in disbelief.

"My blood is on your monster." That was all he could get out before slipping into eternal sleep.

You looked down...blood...there was blood coating your once (F/c) paws. You shook your head. ",no,no. I-I didn't do this, Spyro, come on, wake up...
...I'm not a murderer."

You sat there with your head hung, what were you going to do?
The whispers started up again, they dug into your mind like claws, but you didn't try to stop it this time. murdered Spyro. You are a monster.

You could feel a shadow hanging over you, but you did not turn around.

"(Y/n), my poor sweet (Y/n)...what have you done?" A voice spoke above the whispers.

"You knew this would happen, why didn't you just come to me? You wouldn't have had to feel this pain if you did." The voice was deep and gruff, it was almost a growl.

"I didn't do this, he's not dead." You whispered.

You could feel a presence behind you. "Why do you deny what you have done? It wouldn't make any difference. They will never trust you. Especially Cynder."

An aching feeling began to form inside your chest.

"I know what it feels like to be looked down upon. For my abilities were feared, so they tried to contain me. Because I was different. You can try to run, but you can never hide from cannot hide from what you fear most."

A tail snaked around you, pulling you closer to the dragon who was speaking. As if trying to comfort you. "I know what you fear, for I have felt it to. You hold back when you fight, in fear of killing a bystander. But at the same time you fear that if you hold back, you will become weak. But what you fear the most has already happened. You killed your best friend."

"He is no friend of mine." You replied sadly. Something about this dragons words struck you, it dug it's way into your heart and mind.

Love From Two Different Worlds (Spyro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now