Chapter 5

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"Chronicler." You repeated. Now there was just one thing bothering you. What did the Chronicler look like?
"Now, before we begin, I must warn you of somethings. For starters, while you are here, your body is vulnerable."
"What, what do you mean? I'm HERE." You said as you lifted a paw and directed it from you to the ground.
"I see you haven't noticed yet."
"What have I not noticed?"
"That despite the fact that you are here, you are not here at the same time."
"Damnit, again with the riddles, can you say that in English please."
You could just hear the amusement in his voice. "Of course, what I'm trying to say is, this is a dream, as you are aware of, which means that you are not really here, just your subconscious, which means that anything that happens here, will not affect your physical body, but in the real world, you are defenseless because you are not really here. in other words, your current body is a dream body."
"Ok, so what your saying is that, I can't die here, unless something attacks my real body?"
"If that is how you understand it, then yes."
"Oh, ok, I guess that makes sense. So what's the other problem?" You asked.
"The last problem is that, I can teach you how to use your elements here, to prepare you, just, when you wake up, you will not be able to use them."
"WHAT? But I thought you were here to awaken my elements, to help me." You said as you narrowed your eyes in annoyance at what you just heard.
"No, I AM here to help you, I'm here to teach you how to control your elements, for two of them that you will possess, if not controlled, could destroy a city."
'Wow, my elements are that strong, I could destroy anything!' You thought to yourself, and then one of the best ideas that you could think of popped into mind. 'Hehe, I could destroy Cynder.' You started to grin and snicker at the thought of destroying her.
"Now, as I was saying, we will start with the most simplest element, Shadow. As you may know, Cynder possesses this element as well, but not any of the others."
Before you could complain, he continued with the instructions.
"Now, you see the black circular platform in front of the door? Go stand in it."
You walked over to the platform and crawled onto in and stud there waiting for instructions.
"Good, now clear your mind, and let all your hatred, anger, and darkness consume your body."
As he spoke you could feel all the dark emotions that you've been keeping locked up, release through out your entire body, black smoke surrounding you.
"Good, good, now, start running, and once you master running, you can go to the arena and fight stone dummies."
As time went on you were running around, and mastered running with shadows around you. So you moved onto the arena and found statues standing on little platforms, then one of them moved, the sound of stones rubbing against another stone echoed throughout your head, you hated that sound. Shadows danced around you as you ran towards one of them, you grabbed it and lifted it up into the air and let it fall back down onto the hard ground. It let out a groan and disappeared.
'Man, these guys are so easy to beat, it's pathetic.' You snarled and repeated the process until they all disappeared.
"Hey Chronicler, I'm finished mastering Shadow!" Your yells echoed out into the isolated space.
"Good, that was sooner then expected, but before we begin your next element, I must warn you that when you wake up, you will not have unlimited amounts of mana, like you do here, you will have to break green crystals that are scattered throughout the land. And now your next element will be Amber.
Now go back and stand on the orange circle."
You did as you were told and stood on the now orange circle.
"Now, clear you mind again, and think of all the times that you could have helped someone with there wounds when there was no red crystals in sight, for now you can help them, you could even save a dragons life, for this is a rare element, only given to very few dragons.
This time instead of feeling darkness consume your body, you felt a warm feeling, but you couldn't explain it, you've never felt it before. You jumped off the circle and looked down at your paws and saw that they had an orange glow to them. So you walked strait to the arena, only to feel and enormous pressure pulling you down to the floor, you couldn't move any of your limbs, you looked around and saw that the stone dummies were advancing towards you with there weapons raised, you looked away as you felt their blades slicing through your (F/C) scales, you let out a roar of pain as they continued slicing through your scales. You couldn't take it anymore.
Almost in an instant, the stone dummies collapsed to the ground, and the pressure that was keeping you glued to the floor disappeared. You staggered up, (B/C) blood pouring out of some of the deeper wounds, staining the ground (B/C).
"T-that wasn't funny Chronicler." You growled out as you struggled to keep your balance.
"I am sorry, but it was the only way to wound you, and I would have thought you would have given up earlier then you did, now, show me that you can heal yourself, and we will continue on with your training."
You let out a growl as you lifted your still orange glowing paw and pressed it onto the wounds. One by one they started to disappear.
"Ok Chronicler, we can continue now." You said as the last wound sealed up.
"Good. The next element shall be Dark Fury, you can only use Dark Fury once or twice, I have never heard of a dragon who has managed to pull it off three times in a fight, for only one time, can leave you drained and weak, but I have heard of dragons who have managed to pull off two in one battle, but it weakens them far worse then one time.
"You said you've never heard of a dragon pulling it off three times. Does that mean others have attempted to?"
"Yes, there have been a few."
"What happened to them?"
There was a pause and you thought he wouldn't answer you, you started to get inpatient and was about to ask if he was still there, when he suddenly gave you an answer.
"Their mana drains completely, then their body's weaken to the point of failure, their lungs stop working so they can't breathe, and then eventually their heart stops, making it a slow and painful way to die. I recommend you do not try to attempt it, or you will surely die." As he said that, you tried to imagine what it felt like having all your strength drained, but you couldn't, of course.
"Now that you understand, we can continue."
He didn't have to tell you to go stand on the now black and blue circle, because you were already on it.
"Ok, now, clear your mind and feel all the anger, frustration, and fury that you have ever felt. And release it."
You felt deep in your mind, all the times you ever felt such fury and anger. You opened your mouth and felt something rising in your throat. You opened your eyes as you saw a large black beam with blue that surrounded it, shooting out of your mouth and into the distant empty sky.
You closed your mouth and felt light headed, you were panting and laid down.
"Very good, I will not make you use it again, despite the unlimited amount of mana you have here, Dark fury takes a lot of mana to work. You know, your Dark fury might actually be stronger then Spyro and Cynder's fury combined."
You closed your eyes, to tired to respond.
"You have one more element to learn, but I can not teach it to you."
Your eyes opened. "W-what, why not?" You rasped out.
"Because it is a element that not even I, have heard of. Which means you will have to figure it out yourself, but I can tell you this, an elements that a dragon doesn't know how to use can be dangerous, especially a dragon with your kind of power."
You felt a shiver run down your spine at the thought of a dragon manipulating this kind of power for evil.
"And now, it is time for you to go, when you wake up, there will be a red crystal for you to heal yourself with."
"W-what, I'm leaving so soon, but it hasn't even been that long."
"(Y/N), yes it might be true that you haven't been in this realm for that long, only 5 or so hours, but an hour in this realm equals a day in the real world. Which means you've been unconscious for 5 days."
Over all, you were shocked, but the thought of having to go back to them made your blood boil. "Fine, but do I have to find them straight away?"
"No, I suppose you don't have to straight. Now, close your eyes, and when you open them again, instead of laying next to a green crystal, it'll be red."
"Will I ever get to talk to you again?" You asked.
"Yes, but not for a long time."
You were kinda sad at the thought of not getting to hear the Chroniclers riddles, but accepted it. "Ok, goodbye Chronicler, until next time." You said, but as you were closing your eyes, you saw a blue dragon standing in the distance.
"Farewell (Y/N), until next time."



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