Chapter 12

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With a satisfying crack, you crashed into a grublin's wooden little body head first, causing one of your horns to penetrate straight through it. You swing your head, causing the creature to fly off of your horn and slam into a nearby wall, creating a crack in result. It slide to the ground with a moan of pain before completely disappearing.

You stood there panting, with a bucket by your side. Every muscle in your body was aching and burning, screaming for you to stop and rest for a moment or two, but you couldn't, not now. You had already placed two other buckets by the dried up well-thingy. You would be helping Spyro and Cynder with the floodgates right now, but nooo, someone just had to disagree with you and reck your perfect plan.

"Damned grublins." You grumbled to yourself as you finally regained some of your breath and grabbed the bucket before beginning to sprint across the courtyard, determined to get the bucket in place before you go and help the others.

"Hey you! Help us please, I-I have family that needs me! Help us!"

You had just placed down the bucket when one of the moles began to call out for you. You whiped your head towards the burning building. With a flap of your (F/c) wings, you flew until you were right in front of the building's top floor window. Your stressed eyes scanned over their panick stricken faces.

"J-just hold on, we'll get you all out of here in a moment, just try to stay calm and don't move around to much, the floor might cave in on all of you!" You tried to calm them down, but it didn't seem to work, seeing as to how they continued to panic, if not more after the floor caving in part. You would have tried to pull them out, but that would just end in failure, with someone getting some serious burns or dying.

You quickly shook your head, you needed to focus right now.

Suddenly, the sound of the fire started to crackle louder and louder, until, without warning, the whole building seemed to literally create an explosion of fire that burned the scales of your body. Your whole body, out of reflex, curled up on itself, your wings wrapping around yourself in a poor attempt at shielding your now severely burned body.

It all happened so fast. First a searing pain, then your body went flying backwards, smoke trailing behind you. A thud. Then your body started rolling and skidding across the unforgiving cobblestone floor.

You lay there for what felt like hours, which it might have actually been, who knows?

The smell of singed flesh flooded your nose and mind. It made you want to gag, but you couldn't.... you couldn't move anything in your body without creating even more pain, and possibly causing more injuries.

All you could hear was the ringing in your ears, which seemed to grow louder as you tried to pick up on anything around you.

You could hear something... like a voice.


You focused on the voice, listening harder.

"Just look at yo..rself..... We..k.....Simply pa..hetic! Are going to lay th..e? G...t up! Get u.. you useles.. wa..te of l..fe! I don't if it h..ts! GET UP AND FIGHT!.... or does the 'legendary purp..e dragon' have to you aga..n? Figh...fight (Y/n)!"

That voice... it sounded so angry, full of power, sinister. It sounded so familiar, but... where was it from?

"Of you don't get up, you'll never be able to save your friends." The voice seemed to calm down and spoke in a lower pitch. "They are in danger, you have to get up and help them." Your eyes widened. They were in trouble?! Images flashed in your mind, two dead bodies sprawled out, warm red blood painting the cool cobblestone. Cold, unseeing eyes staring into the eternal darkness of death's embrace.



..........."Save them."

That was all it took, such little words, but so much meaning behind them, you were done being the one who needed to be saved, so many times they had to help you get through something, so many times they had to save you from getting seriously injured or dying, that's all over now. It was their turn now, you were done, it was time you saved them for a change. Determination, you slowly crawled to your shaking feet. Excruciating pain following every inch you moved, blood now flowing freely from your burn wounds, causing (B/c) blood to litter the ground. You almost cried out as you moved your limbs. But you didn't care, they needed you, so it was worth the pain.


A red crystal suddenly sprouted from the ground, but something was wrong... very wrong. There was a dark aura surrounding it. Deep purple swirled freely in the crystals core, giving it a dark red look to it. Faint static flashed around the surface occasionally. It was very different from the one the Chronicler gave you... but you didn't care, now wasn't the time to care.

You didn't know how you did it, but you managed to break a piece of it. It healed some of your small wounds, but it wasn't enough, but something set you off. Even that little piece left you feeling powerful, it made you feel strong.... it made you want more.

Something snapped, causing you to completely destroy the large, thick gem. It fueled something in your heart. Power surged through your body as adrenaline sent ice through your veins. Mana seemed to almost escape your body from the amount it gave you. It was astonishing. All your wounds completely healed, not even a hint of pain came to you as you took a step forwards. The only evidence left was the dry and wet blood that stained the ground and your scales.

It was amazing. Completely unreal.

A snarling grin crossed your face as you dashed through the tunnel that lead to the well switch.

It was sinister.....

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