Chapter 14

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He lunged.

Everything seemed to have slowed down, time had slowed down. You stood there, frozen in fear as Spyro's body came hurling towards you at high speeds.

'He called me a liar... yet I haven't told a lie that they would have known was one...'

His glaring eyes burning holes through you as his mouth began to open wider, as if it was going snap shut around something and never let go.

Your frightened eyes landed on his extended claws, which by now were close to your body.

For some reason, your mind has yet to process the fact that he was attacking you...

But instead, was focused on the fact that he looked so angry.

Everything seemed to have gone back to normal speeds as you were suddenly slammed into the ground, back first. You could feel the force of the attack as a sharp stab of pain ricocheted up your spine.

He hovered over you, claws digging into your chest and neck. In record breaking speed, the paw that was blocking your air way was replaced by a set of sharp teeth, they dug into your skin like large needles.

Everything seemed to finally catch up in your mind when his teeth dug into your throat and his jaws began to crush your air way.

'He's trying to kill me!'

You began to claw desperately at his chest, trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. With no time to think, you used your hind legs to kick him in the stomach, in hopes of shoving him away.

But when you did so, some of your flesh came with him as he was forced off of you, it fell from his mouth, (B/c) blood now covering his mouth.

You knew you were no match for Spyro, especially after draining away your mana and stamina in the fight with all those creatures. He had years of fighting experience and training to back him up, where you had nothing but instincts.

Spyro didn't let you get a chance to regain your balance before attacking again.

He came at you from the side and hit you with his claws. The hit had so much power behind it, it caused you to stumble to the side.

A hiss of pain left your mouth as warm (B/c) blood trickling down the side of your face.

"Fight back."

The voice rang clear in your mind, almost like it was actually there with you at your side.

You shook your head, to exhausted to let out a correct response to the question.

"Then let me.... help you..."

A sudden burst of power surged through you, you could feel your control over your actions beginning to slip away from your desperate grasp.

You couldn't fight him.

No, you refused to fight him.

No matter how heartbroken you were to find that he held no respect for you and was trying to kill you...

....he was still a crucial character in this story...


Cynder watched in horror as her love interest and friend fought. Spyro had lost it when he found out that (Y/n) had the element of Shadow.

Of course, she too has some unanswered questions about her friend's reasoning for lying to the two of them, but she didn't expect Spyro to react like that.

Cynder's eyes moved between the two, watching as Spyro circled the (F/c) dragon in a predatory fashion, but then her eyes were caught by (Y/n)'s shaking and growling form.

Her turquoise eyes widened in surprise and horror as black smoke began to seep off her body, but it was faint, it would appear and then disappear, and her wounds were slowly beginning to close.

But what caught her attention the most were her eyes... her (E/c) eyes would flash white, then back to (E/c), then white again.

It was almost as if... it was almost as if she was struggling to fight something on the inside.

You continued to try and push down to urge to let the power consume you, because you knew that if you did, there would be no way for you to stop yourself from going completely berserk, and you wouldn't even know that you did any of the things that happened.


Even in Spyro's state, he could still see the scene happening before him.

You were struggling to contain yourself, a frustrated and angry expression on your face as you shut your eyes tightly, growling and curling your lip.

He was slowly beginning to calm back down, his common sense and logic coming back to him, which made him regret what he did. Regretting his accusations that you were nothing but a fiend and pure evil, his eyes trailed over the area in which they fought... no, he attacked her with false reasons. (B/c) blood scattered across the ground, a chunk of bloodied flesh in the middle of it all, which made him want to vomit... How could he have done that to you?

But there was no time for that, maybe later, but not now.


As they ran off to finally save the moles trapped in the burning building, if they haven't died yet, you sat there panting.

Yah, your wounds were almost, if not, completely healed, but you felt drained from fighting Spyro and the urge to lash back at him.

It was almost as if something was punishing you for not using power surge given to you. You shook your head, nows not the time.

You rushed after Spyro and Cynder, but felt a peg of hesitation. Sure, The Chronicler said to find them and go with them, but after what just happened, you didn't know if you really wanted to stick with them anymore.

For now, you would go your own way, that would give you enough time to cool down and possibly come back, but not now, even if there is a war going on, you would fight by yourself and go back for the crystal you hid in a pile of pots before all of this happened.

And besides, you had the Voice to guide you... you didn't need anyone else.


Updates are still slow as shit, but still not giving up!


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