Late night fun. Eren x reader

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(Y/N) = Your name
(B/F/N) = Best friend's name

You're walking back to your room at around midnight, way past when you're allowed to be awake in your pajamas which consist of just a tank top and blue fuzzy shorts. You venture around the building seeing if you can hopefully get lost and find an unexplored room. You're hoping someone else is awake, maybe Eren since he also seems like an adventurous person. You see him around in training and at the mess hall, but you never really get the chance to talk to him. He always seems to catch your eye, and you frequently catch yourself staring in his direction. Your best friend, (B/F/N), had noticed it and constantly teases you about your little crush on the cute, trouble-making, teal-eyed boy.

There was no luck in finding a new place, and you're getting pretty bored, so you just decide to go back and sleep. That is, until a slim figure approaches you.

Shit. I'm done for, you think, expecting it to be Corporal Levi. Oh how wrong you are. As the figure comes closer, it appears taller. "Eren?" You whisper, confused as to why he is also out in the middle of the night. He, too, is in his pajamas; a plain white t-shirt and boxers. "What are you doing here?" Instead of receiving an answer, you are pinned against the wall, his hot breath fanning your face. "E-ren what are you-" His lips connecting to your own stop you mid-sentence. At first, you aren't sure what's going on, but as the kiss deepens, you grow accustomed to it and snake your arms around his neck. For a brief second, your lips disconnect giving you a chance to breathe.

"Everyday I had to suffer not being able to kiss you, and I couldn't take it anymore," he says quickly. "I'm going to make you mine." Your eyes widen hearing those words come from his mouth.


"Jump," Eren's lowish voice commands sexily, cutting you off once again. You jump and wrap your legs around his thin waist wanting more of him. You smash your lips together once more and slide your hands in his brown, silky hair. Eren licks below your bottom lip, begging for entrance. You open your mouth allowing, and he swirls his tongue inside you, exploring every inch of the inside of your mouth. Eren wraps one of his arms around your waist, puts the other one under your butt, opens your door, and closes it bringing both of you over to your bed. He lays you down and hovers over your warm body still continuing to kiss you.

"I... Love... You..." You say in between kisses. Eren trails kisses down your lips to your neck and eventually hits your sweet spot below your chin, earning a moan in return. You feel him smirk against your skin. His arms travel down to the bottom of your tank top, and he quickly pulls it off, revealing your breasts. "Your turn," you smirk grabbing his shirt and pulling it off. Eren smirks yet again and lowers himself onto you, but before he can do anything else, you flip him over resting your knee between his dick.

"(Y-Y/N)," he moans as you trail down to his boxers, leaving sloppy kisses.

"Should I?" You ask, unsure if you two should continue.

"It's your choice." You pulled down his boxers as slowly as you could to see his reaction. "Dammit (Y/N)." You smiled and pulled them completely off.

"Holy shit." His dick was pretty big!

"Your turn," he exclaims, mocking what you had said to him earlier while flipping you over. You cover your breasts, not feeling comfortable being fully naked. You were never confident about your body.

"Don't cover. You're the most perfect human being I have ever seen," he purres, kissing both of your hands and moving them away. Eren begins to kiss your left breast as he massages your right one switching off giving you more pleasure.

"Ah~" you moan throughout his mini session. He travels down to the tip of your panties using his tongue making you arch your back. His teeth grasp the edge and begin to pull down until he gets to your feet and pulls them entirely off. He licks his lips, but doesn't get time to do anything he wanted because you pull him up by his shoulders connecting your lips once more. It isn't like the first time you kissed, full of passion and softness. It is heated and lustful. Eren positions his cock in front of your entrance and looks at you for permission. You nod and close your eyes. Eren thrusts into you slowly at first letting you get used to his length. Your breaths come out raggedy as Eren flicks his head back.

"Faster," you say, grabbing Eren's back. Eren obeys and keeps increasing his speed.

You moan loudly, clutching onto the covers of the soft blanket below you, your toes curling up. "E-Eren."

"Louder," he says seductively.

"Eren!" You yelp as he hits the spot that makes you unravel "Right there! Right fucking there!"

"(Y-Y/N) I think I'm gonna.."

Banging comes from the other side of the door. You and Eren freeze, staring at the door in horror.

"Oi! What's going on in there?!"

I'm pretty sure this is my first time making a lemon, so I hope you enjoyed it! Remember, I take in requests for characters and you can decide whether it's a modern, sad, lemon, or normal, one shot it's your choice. I'm just going to start with happy ones and then I'll go to sad ones. Tood-a-loo!!

Update from years later: I'm so embarrassed by the one-shots omfg

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