True Love Petra x Tree

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Petra Ral. A.K.A. Soon to be Petra Tree. Her and that one tree in the forest of big ass trees seemed to hit it off real good. Every day Petra traveled on horseback to greet her fiancée. Nobody knew where she went, they just thought she had always retired to her room. They were totally wrong about that. So yeah, Petra trained, ate, talked to her fellow cadets and the Corporal, then went straight to her lover. It was a daily cycle she had grown accustomed to after a few days.

The day the tree finally had grown some roots and proposed to Petra was a gloomy, and rainy day. Horrible I know, but to Petra it was the most romantic thing she'd ever experienced. Overcome with excitement, she screamed, "YES!!" The tree was ecstatic. He had never felt so much love to and from someone. Never in his years of living.

There was just one problem with this wonderful marriage. They couldn't be together all the time. Petra would have to leave him to live her normal life while he lived his own. They wouldn't be able to go on a honeymoon, and the wedding would have to be in the forest. The forest of big ass trees with big ass titans. Anything could happen during their ceremony and party. That's why this marriage was risky to them, but they were all about risk to be able to be together. It was true love after all.

Petra was sitting silently, eating her soup and bread loaf, with a grin on her face. Oluo and Gunther quickly noticed her odd behavior.

"Um Petra? You okay?" Gunther asked the strawberry blonde haired girl.

"Oh yes! Just wonderful actually!" She replied happily.

"Why?" Oluo questioned, with a puzzled look on his face. Petra immediately flashed her ring at the men. Three vines twisted together in a braid with a small stone tangled in the middle. It was actually a beautiful ring.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED?!" Gunther yelled standing up. The whole mess hall went dead silent; it was as if a cricket was even afraid to chirp. Petra looked down realizing her mistake. She didn't want anyone knowing her relationship with her dear tree. She felt they would just laugh and make fun of her saying she was delusional or something along those lines.

"Y-yeah," she answered quietly, avoiding gaze with any human in the room.

"TO WHO?!"

"Uhm..." Petra stood up and ran out of the mess hall to the stables. She didn't want to have to tell them the truth. She was too afraid. Her horse greeted her as she showed up. Petra got the required items she needed and immediately rode off to her fiancée. All she wanted was someone to talk to and that someone was the one she wanted to live her whole life with no matter what the cost. "I just don't know what to do. I want to tell all of them that I'm engaged to you, but I don't want them to make fun of me." She listened intently to the answer she was given.

"Do what your heart wants you to do. If you feel that it is totally wrong to tell them, don't. I don't want you to feel pressured to tell them either," her loving tree answered.

"Alright. I'll tell them after the expedition tomorrow. Thank you."

"You're welcome, flower."

Petra blushed and kissed her tree before riding back. Yes she was engaged, but he always seemed to make her blush no matter what. She just was always embarrassed when he gave her cute little nicknames and complimented her. It made her days and it was one of the reasons she loved him so much.

"Please stay safe!"

"Of course I will! I love you!"

"I love you too!"

Petra smiled and continued to ride her horse back to the stables, ready for what was to come.

"Where the hell where you, brat?" Corporal Levi asked as Petra unbuckled the harness on her horse.

"I-I needed a little air, so I rode to the forest and back." Levi rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue.

"Don't fucking go out there again and clean your stall its filthy." He walked away leaving Petra to stare, wide eyed with horror. Don't go back? How could she listen to him? The love of her life was out there! She knew if she was caught disobeying him, there would be a horrible punishment, but she just couldn't bare to think about what would happen if she did listen. She decided to not think about it and instead think about the upcoming expedition.


Petra rode her horse at a full gallop in the woods alongside her squad. They were riding away from the female titan and Eren was about to transform.

"Eren don't!" Petra yelled. Then focused her attention back to the trees, realizing they would soon be near her tree. Levi had left the squad moments ago, leaving them to continue riding until Petra and a couple others zipped off their horses and tried to fight back. They killed a couple normal titans in their way and two cadets had been killed by the female titan. Petra did not know who, for she was currently focused on the tree close to her. She didn't want him to see her in such a state. She zipped back onto her horse and realized that the female titan was inching closer to her. Pure fear etched into her facial features just as she rode next to her lover and was immediately crushed against him by a giant foot. In a sexual position; her back arched up, stomach touching the tree, legs touching the ground, blood everywhere, dead as a doornail.

"We can be together forever now," the tree said excitedly.

"Forever. No more me running away to get back to headquarters. We can have our wedding with no worries, we can live together. I haven't been more happy in my life," Petra cried.

Flowers grew around the almost married couple instantly from their powerful love. No human had ever fallen in love with such an old, but beautiful living piece of nature. It was indeed true love.


Where is Petra?
Where is Petra?
On a tree
On a tree
Annie's in her titan form
Annie's in her titan form
Stepping on bodies
Stepping on bodies.

WELL THAT WAS FUN! WOO! That my friends, was the love story of Petra and her wonderful tree.


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