Ghost. Levi x Reader

476 13 16

Hope you enjoy!
This wasn't requested by anyone

You knew him, but he didn't even know you. You liked him, but he only saw you as a cadet. What hurt you most, was that he barely even acknowledged your existence. People say he does that to everyone, but from what you've seen, you're the only one. He's also always the hardest on you. He pushed you during training and non-stop yelled at you for everything. Nobody else got yelled at, but you. (and of course the Jaeger boy you later learned was Eren.)

Maybe he's afraid to talk to me... No of course not. He's Levi fucking Ackerman, he'll talk to me if he wants to... Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me... Shut up brain.

It was not very often that Corporal Levi would ignore you. But for the kind of luck you had, today was one of those unlucky days. You tried to ignore your thoughts as you walked into the mess hall. Your normal friend group greeted you as your small frame plopped onto the bench between Eren and Jean, so they wouldn't get into a fight. You plastered on your fake smile, that seemed to work to make everyone think you're okay. You used that smile all the time. "Are you okay (Y/N)?" Marco asked a little suspiciously. You tilted your head to the side slightly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"You just seem... Off."

"I'm totally fine don't worry." You averted your gaze away from your table to watch the Corporal "enjoy" his food at the table with Squad Leader Hanji, Commander Erwin, Petra, Oluo, Gunther, and Eld. As you were slowly eating your food, you swore you felt a pair of eyes staring into your soul, but you just shurgged off the feeling, finishing up your food and engaging in small chit-chat with your table mates.


"I know you have the potential to be a soldier. Now show me what you got!" Levi yelled as you were running laps. At times, you'd enjoy him yelling at you just for the company, but most times you got frustrated at the end. Today, you were beyond frustrated. He woke you up way too early and made you get straight to training, not even giving you a chance to eat breakfast. You had to run 20 laps around the huge open field on an empty stomach. You were 10 laps in, when you couldn't finish it any longer.

You had a small case of asthma when you were a kid, but it went away as you grew up. Sometimes, you wouldn't be able to run which was what was happening today. Your body gave out and you collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath. "What are you doing Cadet?! Get back up and RUN!"

"I... Can't," you answered quietly, trying to get your breath back.

"Don't you tell me you can't run ten more laps," he said angrily, grabbing the back of your jacket and pulling you up, "NOW GO!"

15 laps. That was it. That was all you could get through before your body completely shut down for the time being. See you later, Corporal.


"Will she be okay?" you heard a masculine voice ask. At the time, you couldn't identify it, but as soon as the second thing was said, you were shocked. You kept your eyes closed and acted unconscious to hear who the person was talking to and to hear what they would say. Who knows, maybe they'll spill a secret.

"For the hundred time Levi, she'll be alright. She just had a small asthma attack that brought her unconscious. She will most likely be waking up soon," you recognized as the doctor, answered.

"Tch, just don't tell the brat I was here." Then you felt the edge of your bed rise and footsteps disappear to your right. He sat next to me? Weird, you thought confusedly.

"You can open your eyes now, honey," the doctor announced. You opened one eye just to make sure she was the only one there, then you proceeded to open the other. Through the window on the other side of the room, the clouds floated in the sky, occasionally cutting off the sun's warm rays. Your right hand immediately caressed your throbbing head. "Take these." She handed you two little pills in which you quickly took and swallowed, using the glass of water on the nightstand next to your bed.

"When am I able to leave?" You asked, taking another sip of the cold, clear, tasteless liquid.

"Whenever you feel up to it. I wouldn't rush if I were you." You scooted over to the side of the bed and placed your feet on the floor. The tiles were a light grey and their coldness seeped through your plain white socks, chilling your feet instantly. A clean uniform sat neatly on a small chair next to the bed ready to be put on. You grabbed the dressing screen in the middle of the room and rolled it over near a wall to change.

It was about lunch time, so you decided you would just casually walk into the mess hall, hoping nobody would have noticed you were ever gone besides Levi.

"(Y/N)!! FINALLY YOU'RE BACK!" Sasha yelled from across the room. You put your head down, avoiding all sudden eye contact after your friend's outburst. Your cheeks flushed red from embarrassment as you continued to make your way to your lunch table.

"Nice to have you back, (Y/L/N)," Jean announced, right as you sat down on the bench. He patted your back then continued to shovel food into his mouth while having a nice conversation with Marco whom you deeply shipped him with. You may be a clueless person at times, but when it came to Jean and Marco you knew they liked one another. It was so obvious. The whole training squad, plus Hanji, knew.


"Aren't you going to eat after waking up from being unconscious?" Armin asked, peering over his giant book of nonsense. You shrugged, not really finding any strength to get up and retrieve your food.

"Not hungry," you simply replied, giving a horrible excuse for not wanting to stand up again. Yeah your head still hurt which was partially the reason, but you also just didn't feel like using your energy to get up and walk across the room, only to do the same thing when you walked back. To put it into shorter terms, you were too lazy to do it.

"So what happened before you went unconscious?" Connie questioned, leaning in from across the table.

"I was running laps while Corporal Levi watched and yelled at me."

"No wonder why you went unconscious. Corporal Levi probably scared the shit out of you with his creepy ass-"

"Corporal Levi's creepy ass what?" A low voice asked from behind you. Your muscles tensed up as you kept eye contact with the table. Connie gulped out of the corner of your eye, looking terrified.

"Uhm-uh-I-I-Well-Uh-" Connie began.

"My office. Now," Levi commanded.

"N-not again..." Connie stood up and left your sight of vision.

"Good luck," Sasha whispered a bit loud with a small piece of break stuffed in her mouth.

"It's good to see you awake, (Y/L/N)," Levi told you.

"Thank you sir." You spun around to look up into the grey iris's of Corporal Levi's eyes. The shiniest, mysterious, and stern eyes you became fond of.

"I'm hoping you will be resuming your duties?"

"Y-yes sir. Of course."

"I'll let you off easy and have you clean my office until it's pristine while the others run laps for the rest of the day." Your fellow table mates groaned quietly. Jean mumbled a small 'lucky'.

You didn't know what else to say so you just whispered quietly, "Thank you, sir." Levi's boot clicks were heard until you looked up and saw that he was seated back at his table.

You sighed, upset by how he didn't apologize for anything, (you didn't really believe it was his fault even though all of your friends said it was) but you didn't expect it anyways. It wasn't like he could have feelings towards you as you did towards him.

After all, you were basically like a ghost to him when he wasn't yelling or (rarely) caring about you.

I'm not really proud of this one, but oh whale! 🐳


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