Cowgirl. Jean x Reader

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(H/N) = Horse name

"Thanks a lot Jean," you say as you and your best friend walk to the stables. You and Jean have been pulling little pranks on each other, but the last one was a bit extreme. Jean had decided it would be a great idea to put bleach in your shampoo. Lucky for you, you smelled it before you put it on.

It was a long day of training and you decided to take a shower before going to the mess hall for dinner. You did the norm; you turned the water on, undressed, and waited until you liked the temperature. You were ready to put the shampoo in your hair, but something was off. The shampoo was too thin and the smell of it made your nose twitch. Confused, you scrunched your eyebrows and brought the liquid closer to your nose, smelling it. The scent of bleach wafted through your nose. "Jean," you growled in frustration. "Too far you dimwit. Too far."

Jean was standing by his table ready to sit down. There was a perfect amount of space where if he fell, he wouldn't hit anyone, so you took your chance to run and tackle Jean to the ground. "JEAN YOU DOUCHE!" You yelled, pinning him to the floor.

"What did I do?" he shrieked innocently.

"YOU PUT BLEACH IN MY SHAMPOO! Lucky for you, I smelled it before I put it on!" He rolled both of you over, so he was pinning you down instead.

"It was a prank, (Y/N)!"

"Oi! You two shut up and sit down!" Levi yelled. You both were too busy fighting to even hear him.

"Prank my ass!" You rolled him back over, so you were on top. It went on like that for a little while until Levi ruined the show you two had made for everyone in the mess hall.

"Shut the fuck up!" Levi growled stopping you. "2 months stable cleaning. I expect you to start after dinner."

And that is how you and Jean ended up walking to the stables.

"No problem," he says slinging an arm around your shoulder in a friendly (or so you think) way. You blush and look away. You had gotten a crush on Jean after a couple of weeks of you two knowing each other. Something about him sparked your interest, and he ended up growing on you.

You both arrive at the stables and get straight to work.

About three stalls later, you begin to get really bored. "Jeaaaaaaan," you whine.

"Yeah?" He asks picking up muck with a pitch fork and placing it in a bucket.

"I'm bored." You pet your horse, (H/N), on the mane.

"I know how to cure that," he winks putting down the pitch fork and walking to the stall you are in. You're interested in what he has to say.

"Mhm and how so?" He grabs your hand and leads you to a room. He opens the door, pushes you in, and locks it behind him. You stand in place.

"A tack room? Okay look Jean, I know we all joke about you looking like a horse, but a tack room.... Really?" You turn around only to be face to face.

"Ever fucked in a tack room before?" He asks smirking and pulling you even closer by the waist. You widen your eyes and gulp.

"N-no...." You trail off stuttering. Jean smirks again and leans his head down.

"Me neither." He moves his mouth against your ear. "I guess it's a first time for both of us."

"Wha-" Jean grabs your face and smashes your lips together. You melt into the kiss and slide your hands up his back tangling your hands in his hair. He moves forward as you kiss making you move back and trip over a saddle, causing both of you to tumble down. It instantly becomes a heated make out session with your tongues fighting for dominance as you pull your hands out of his hair and put them under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his body and his muscles. Soon, both your shirts and the tops of your harnesses are on the floor. Jean licks your neck down to your collarbone, instantly finding your weak spot causing you to moan. He sucks on it and moves even further down to the middle of your bra. His hands travel up your sides and immediately unclip your bra letting it slide down your shoulders. You take your hands off him for a brief second to let it slide all the way off. He begins to suck on them, pausing and retreating to the other so neither was left out.

You moan wrapping your legs around his waist. Jean moves his hands down and squeezes your ass making you gasp.

"Shit," he said.

"The belts," you add. You both go into, yet, another make out session as you unhook each other's belts as quickly as you can. As you near the end, you look down to finish the last strap, and you accidentally brush your hand against his dick watching him bite his lip in your peripheral. You smile while finishing up his belts and crawled onto his lap facing him.

"D-don't do t-that," Jean pleads breathy.

"What? This?" You ask innocently in amusement as you move around on his lap once again, but even slower.

"(Y-Y/N)." He is beginning to lose it. You move around again as he bites his lip. This time, you slowly get off his lap and lower him down. He is now laying on the ground shirtless. You are hovering above him shirtless as well. You slowly kiss his lips while moving down to the side of his neck hitting one of his weak spots making a quiet moan escape his lips. Then, you move down even further until you reach the very top of his low rise pants and stop.

"F-fuck (Y/N). Don't do this to me." You smirk and unbutton his pants pulling them down right after. You graze your finger over the top of his erection. Jean growls then grabs you and flips you over, so he is the one on top. He kisses you passionately and slides your pants off, throwing them across the room along with your panties. You sit up and rip off his boxers while crushing your lips together. Jean puts one hand on your back and another on the floor as he slowly lowers both of you down.

"Ready?" You nod. He rubs his cock against you and you let out a stuttered breath.

"Dammit Jean." Then you feel it. He slides his cock inside you slowly. You bite back a scream. He begins to get faster each time.

You grab his back, and he grunts as he thrusts and kisses your lips. You pull his hips down and make him go deeper in you before digging your nails into his back not far enough to leave scars and injure him. You know Jean is at a moment of ecstasy and won't last much longer, but he stops and lies beside you.

"We'll save that for another time," he smirks. You lay on top of him, and he puts his arm around you. "Are you bored anymore?"


And there was your Jean x Reader lemon! I really hope you liked it, and it didn't suck!

EDIT UPDATE: Lmaoo I'm cringing so hard at my 2016 self.

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