Yandere! Levi x Reader

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Hi Y/N,

It's me. Levi Ackerman. I'm the guy that somehow always gets the mail at the same exact time as you every day. Well it's no coincidence. I studied you before when you would get your mail; every day (except Sunday) after work at the local Café at 4:30 pm on the dot. You leave your house at 5:30 am to work at 6:00 am. I sometimes go into the Café just so I can see you work. You're always the cashier at exactly 8:00 am then switch to being the waitress at 8:30. One time I "accidentally" spilled my coffee on my table and you helped me clean it up. I still have the cup from the free coffee you gave me as an apology even though you did nothing wrong. I didn't want to get rid of it because it was, at the time, the only thing I had of you.
I love you <3.

Later on when we were getting the mail, you dropped a piece of paper so I picked it up. And I kept it. I was going to give it back, but you touched it and it had your phone number on it. I haven't tried calling or texting you yet. I just stare at the contact photo of you that's a picture from your Facebook. You look so precious, so delicate. You're mine. All mine and I'm not one to share. I was thinking of ways I could introduce myself to you so I don't seem creepy, but every time I go to introduce myself, I always just want to grab your small body and never let go.
I love you <3.

I saw you getting dressed through your window today. You're so beautiful.
I love you <3.

I saw someone holding hands with you yesterday. I didn't like it, so I killed the guy. You don't have to worry about him anymore and you don't have to worry about me being caught :).
I love you <3.

I'm sorry you had to find out about that guy. I guess he didn't realize you're mine and only mine. I probably should've told him before resulting to killing him. Oopsie.
I love you <3.

I printed pictures of you that I found on your Instagram and hung them on the ceiling above my bed so I can stare at you when I wake up and fall asleep. I also have pictures scattered around my house of you. One of the papers (the one in the kitchen on the refrigerator) has one of your hairs that I picked when you walked away from the mailbox. It's so pretty just like you.
I love you <3.

You smelled so good today, was that a new perfume? I love it.
I love you <3

You had your window open last night. I stared at you all night. I hope you had sweet dreams; maybe even dreams about me :).
I love you <3.

You got a haircut today. You look even prettier than before if that's possible. Did you do winged eyeliner too? I love it. I hope you aren't meeting anyone. Are you? I guess I'll have to follow you and make sure.
I love you <3.

You went out with a couple of friends to a fast food restaurant. When you threw away your food and left, I fished out the napkin as disgusting as it sounds, but it was well worth it. I sanitized my hands at least 100 times, but I'll do anything for you. There was even a piece of your salad still on it. I laminated the napkin so I could treasure it forever.
I love you <3.

You got a paper cut today when you picked up the mail. Luckily I had a napkin and helped you. You offered to throw the napkin away, but I declined saying I could handle it. The napkin is on my dresser so every morning when I wake up and go to bed, I kiss it. When the blood was still wet, it sometimes got on my lips so I licked the blood off. You taste delicious.
I love you <3.

Today is the day I'm going to introduce myself. I have a cloth in my pocket just in case you get scared. Don't worry about it, you'll feel relaxed right away. I'm going to say hello right at 4:30 when you get the mail. I can't wait to see you.
I love you <3.

I guess I was a little creepy; you screamed and tried to run when I grabbed your wrists, but like I said, I had the cloth and put it over your mouth. You're a good girl. My good girl.
I love you <3.

I'm glad you finally woke up. You're in my basement now :). I hope you like it. I tried to make it seem as comfortable as possible. Did you notice? It looks exactly like your living room. I guess you did notice because you screamed and tried to run again, but I chained you to the couch. When you were sleeping, I even put you in a pretty wedding dress. You look gorgeous.
I love you <3.

Stop crying. Please stop crying. I put my suit on so we could be matching. Now we just need a priest to wed us. Your tears messed up your makeup so I tried to fix it, but you flinched away. You started shaking and you scooted to the far end of the couch. I pulled you back and into my chest in a firm hold. I started stroking your hair while I rocked us back and forth. Your tears soaked my suit jacket. I'm never washing it again. I started to lightly sing to you. I hope you liked it.
I love you <3.

I made you a special drink, but I had to feed it to you myself because you wouldn't do it. You looked so cute.
I love you <3.

When I came downstairs, you were lying still on the ground, so I shook you to wake you up, but you didn't move. I guess your special drink I made finally kicked in. I unchained you and fixed your makeup and hair then brought you to my room and laid you on my bed. Now you're mine forever and you won't run away from me anymore. I bought us rings too and I put them on us. We're like a married couple now. I'm glad you won't be running away anymore.
I love you <3.

It's been a while. Hi.

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