I wasn't ready. Marco x Jean

191 8 4

Requested by Levis_Yandere
Get ready to enjoy you buttplug
*You may need tissues*
This is perfect because there's an actual storm going on right now hehe...

Marco's POV
Boom! Crack! Smash! Tap! Whoosh! The roaring of the thunder increased as the dark, gloomy clouds neared us. It had just started to pour to the point where you would think it was someone pouring a bucket of water over the vast amounts of land.

Many of us were huddled in various places everywhere inside. From our rooms to corners in the hallways. As the storm neared, it became heavier and heavier. Each gust of wind sounding like it could blow over the whole building. We were ordered not to do anything but sit somewhere away from the windows and doors. "Someone should really go check to see what's going on outside," Connie announced worriedly, "I feel like it would be better if we knew what was going on."

"I'll go outside and check how it is," Jean answered, standing up. My eyes widened.

I grabbed Jean's arm to try and pull him back down and argued, "Jean no! I can't let you go out there! Just look through the window or something!"

"Relax Marco, I'll be fine." And he disappeared down the hallway. I stood up and ran straight to the closest window to try and see if I could spot his silhouette anywhere, but it was useless. The only time I could see was when the lightning struck which wasn't consistent enough to keep the outside lit up.

"Do you think he will be okay?" I heard Sasha whisper quietly.

"Of course! It's Jean! He's meant to be out there just like the horses," Connie whispered back. No, I wasn't bothered by people calling Jean a horse even though I feel like I should have been, but the fact that Connie was saying it so effortlessly in a situation like this kind of struck a nerve, but I decided to keep my mouth. I didn't want to get into any kind of fight with Jean outside in this horrible weather.

Minutes passed and Jean still wasn't inside. 'What's going on? He should be back by now,' I thought to myself, moving away from the window.

"Guys, I'm starting to get worried. What if Jean doesn't come back? What if he's stuck somewhere out there and I won't ever know because I won't go out and check? What if he somehow got lost on the way back inside? What if he's dead?!" Armin stood up and gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Marco," he exclaimed, "this is Jean we're talking about. He's definitely okay out there. There's nothing you need to worry about. Everything will be okay. He'll see what's going on and he'll make it back in safe as can be. Now come on, we'll figure something out to get your mind off all of this."

"How about we play a game to distract ourselves? It might be the only way actually." Krista suggested.

"Any ideas on a game?" Eren asked, crossing his legs into a criss-cross position.

"Truth or dare would be stupid to do right now, so how about just a plain game of would you rather?" Ymir said, stretching her arm around Krista's shoulders. Krista looked down, trying to hide the noticeable blush on her cheeks.

"I'll go first," Eren butted in, "Armin. would you rather not be able to read or not be able to count?"

"O-Oh! Umm. I guess not be able to count because I could read about how to count and try to teach myself!"

"This is exactly why you're our strategist you cute little smartass," Squad Leader Hanji cheered, walking over to us and plopping down next to Armin. "So you're all playing would you rather, eh? Well, I'll be joining in on this game. Be prepared because I'm pretty good at this."

"Um Squad Leader-"

"Just call me Hanji."

"Okay... Hanji," Armin began, "there isn't an actual winner to this game. It's sort of to find out what people are like based on what they choose." Hanji put her index finger on Armin's lips.

"Shhh my little coconut."

"Alright, Armin it's your turn," Eren explained. Hanji removed her hand.

"Umm, Annie. Would you rather not be able to punch or not be able to kick?"

"Ooo that's hard," Reiner said looking at Annie, waiting for a reaction.

"Punch," she replied plainly. "Bert-"

"HOLY SHIT!" a voice yelled, running down the hallway, stopping our game. Reiner. It was Reiner. A horrible feeling formed in the pit of my stomach, but I didn't dare think about what my stomach wanted me to.

"REINER," I yelled, "have you seen Jean?!"

"The mess hall," he began out of breath ignoring my question, "the mess hall is destroyed. I watched a tree get struck by lightning... And fall right into it..." Everyone gasped and froze for a split second before dashing to make their way and see the disastrous scene. Reiner was correct. Rain waterfalled from the hole and the lightning showed through the cracks and not just the windows. A giant tree laid right in the middle of the mess hall crushing the wall, tables, floor, anything in it's path especially the-

"NO!!! PLEASE NO!" Sasha screamed, balling her eyes out. She fell to her knees and out her head in her hands. Tears formed at the edges of my eyes and I knelt next to her.

"It'll be alright Sasha," I soothed, "everything will be okay." A single tear drop fell from my eye and trailed down my cheek. Jean... Please tell me you aren't anywhere near the tree.

"M-Marco?" Jean questioned. I looked up and met his eyes. I raised an eyebrow with a questioning look on my face. He probably noticed the newly formed tears. He opened his arms and I stood up and ran into them. "Shhh. It'll be okay."

"I thought you were dead!"

"I'm okay. I'm right here."


"Marco there was nothing you could do, it wasn't your fault. Don't blame this on yourself."

"But I could've saved him! I COULD'VE SAVED HIM!"

"Marco you didn't know the tree even fell!"

"I COULD HAVE STOPPED HIM FROM GOING OUTSIDE AND THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED. IT'S ALL MY FAULT! HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!" I fell to my knees and hugged the half of Jean's body that wasn't crushed under the tree. Hanji was kneeled next to me trying to tell me it wasn't my fault, but I couldn't listen. I wouldn't. I could have kept him inside. If I just tried hard enough, he would still be alive right now.

Hallo! Just to clarify the part where Marco is hugging Jean is fake, that's why I have the ***. This was requested by Levis_Yandere

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