Eyebrows. Erwin x reader

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"Come on, please?"

"Nope. Never gonna happen." Erwin leaned back in the recliner chair in your house as you stood in front of him begging for him to get his eyebrows waxed. It wasn't like you wanted them to be shaved off completely, you just wanted them to look a little... Neater. To be honest, they looked like fuzzy caterpillars and not in the cute way.

"I just want you to get them trimmed!" Erwin sat in the chair in silence, rocking back and forth slowly. He seemed to be deep in thought, but you weren't so sure because in all honesty, he always looked in thought.

"Fine. But you're paying." Your face lit up in pure joy.

"Finally! Okay let's go!" Your hand shot out to the overly-sized bowl on the counter next to the door, grabbing the car keys that were attached to the lanyard you got from college.

"Now?" he groaned, slumping in the chair.

"Yes now!! I'll be waiting in the car."


Damn Levi Ackerman is back at it again with solving murder cases. Maria Christ that's gotta be at least in a row that he's done.

"Erwin, Smith?" The page you were currently reading in a magazine flipped halfway when Erwin nervously strode past you to the eyebrow lady or whatever they call themselves. She looked like she'd do a pretty good job trimming his brows.

Before they both disappeared into the salon, you walked up to the girl and quietly whispered into her ear, "I'm begging you please do a good job or this guy here will kill me since I pretty much peer pressured him into doing this." The lady who you saw by the name tag that her name was Jessica, smiled and laughed.

"Will do." They walked into the room and you sat back down; the chair was warm and had your butt print in it for sitting for about 5 minutes. Your hands found the magazine you had been previously reading, and you flipped back to the page about Levi.

'Levi Ackerman has just solved his tenth murder case in a row. People are becoming curious from this sudden record. Is Levi the one actually solving the cases or does he have others in on what he's doing to help him succeed with this massive streak of solved cases?'

It was a little longer of a wait until Erwin's head finally popped out of the doorway. His eyebrows loo-holy fuck.

"Erwin, what happened to your eyebrows?" you questioned, slowly standing up from your seat as if you were a predator stalking it's prey. He smiled such a weird, happy, alien like smile.

"I thought it would be nice to have a little change. What d'ya think?" His eyebrows looked horrible. The front by the eye was fat and as it got to the outside of the eyebrow, it was skinnier.

It was the worse thing you've seen, even worse than the time when you walked in on a naked Gunther

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It was the worse thing you've seen, even worse than the time when you walked in on a naked Gunther... 

"Erwin, that's the grosses look ever! What the fuck were you thinking?!" You grabbed his arm and began to drag the taller man out the door of the salon after stopping at the desk and angrily paying.

"Why are you freaking out so much, it's not that bad, is it? I told her I wanted it to be skinnier when you get on the outside." Your eyes bulged out of your head. If this were a cartoon, your eyes would literally fly out of your head.

"Did you not look in the mirror after?" Erwin looked down and shuffled his feet.

"No." You facepalmed. He was one of the smartest people in his college courses and yet he didn't even think to look in the mirror after his eyebrows were done?

"Erwin, you are the stupidest person I know," you pointed to the car mirror, "look." He shuffled over to the mirror and screamed. If you hadn't known him for a while, you might as well have mistaken him as a woman. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" His body turned around to face you. "This is all your fault."

"Mine?! I just said for you to trim your eyebrows, not get a whole different design!" Your right foot took a step back.

"But if you hadn't told me to get my eyebrows done, none of this would have happened in the first place!" 

You took in a breath to retaliate his answer, but all you could say is, "True." Erwin crossed his arms and stuck out his hip. "Just get in the car," you sighed.


The ride back to your house was completely silent; neither of you bothered to turn on the radio. You both stepped into the warmth of your house and Erwin immediately dashed to the bathroom.

"Weird," you mumbled, walking into the kitchen to make grilled cheese.

"(Y/N) close your eyes," he whispered from behind you. You jumped from the sudden noise.

"Maria christ Erwin!"

"Just close your eyes."

"And why should I?"

"Just close your eyes so I can give you your gift!" You finally obeyed and closed your eyes without another word. Erwin spun your body around to face him and you felt water drip onto your whole face and then an itching sensation by your eyes; it was stronger by your eyebrows.

"Why did you put water on my face-OH MY SHIT I SWEAR!" Your eyes flew open and you sprinted to the bathroom as if you were being chased by a cheetah. The first emotion you felt when looking into the mirror was relief because it wasn't that bad, but then you were suddenly infuriated.

"ERWIN MOTHERFUCKING SMITH!" you screamed, your voice booming throughout the small house. 

He had shaved half of your eyebrows off.


Welp. There ya go.

~ Raven

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