Dead. Eren x Ashley

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This is for xRaileenx 's friend Ashley!
Hope you enjoy it!
Sorry about the long ass wait >.<

"Ninety-eight... Ninety-nine... One-hundred... Done," you sighed, wiping the newly formed sweat off your forehead as you sat up from being hunched over on your kitchen floor. Your brother Levi got pissed at you for making a mess of the Wii games, so he made you scrub the kitchen floor with a rag, having to make one-hundred circles as you scrubbed. A buzzing noise was heard coming from your counter, telling you a text had come in. You stood up and picked up your phone, seeing a text from your brother-like best friend, Eren.

'I'm coming over. Be there in a couple minutes.'

'Be careful when you walk in the kitchen. I just washed the floor and there's a bucket by the opening,' you typed quickly, setting your phone back down.


You grabbed the rags and wrung them out in the sink then threw them on the counter. Your feet brought you into your pantry, stopping in the middle to let your (E/C) eyes scan over the items. A few moments and a couple chip bags and cookie containers later, you walked out of the pantry holding Chips Ahoy, Lays Original Potato Chips, Oreos, and the Chili flavored Fritos. The sound of the door slamming shut was heard and loud footsteps followed.

"I'm her-Ooh!" Eren yelled, slipping and knocking over the bucket as well as yourself. The water splashed out onto the floor like a wave washing up on the sandy shore and the goods were scattered around.

"Smooth Eren, smooth. Now I'm all wet." Eren sat up facing you and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Wet, aye?" You responded with a soft punch to his shoulder as you stood up.

"Haha. Very damn funny, Eren. I'm laughing sooo hard," you replied with a roll of the eyes. He then jumped on your back, catching you off guard. Thankfully, you quickly regained your balanced and was able to stumble up the stairs without falling or dropping the teal-eyed boy.

"Onward peasant!" He yelled pointing to your room. With a huff, your feet brought you both to your room right in front of your bed. You spun around and dumped him on the bed as if you were dumping a bucket of water onto a blazing fire.

"What shirt do you want? I have your Twenty One Pilots tour shirt, red v-neck, normal people are weird shirt, and your Panic! at the Disco tour shirt." You plucked the shirts from the drawer you kept them in and threw them on your bed along with a pair of his pants.

"How do you have so many of my clothes?" he asked, sounding a bit creeped out. His hands hovered over each shirt and finally settled on the red v-neck. To be completely honest, it was your favorite shirt. You loved the way it fight his body perfectly, defining each curve of his upper body without fully outlining his body, making it look a bit weird.

You shrugged and said nonchalantly, "I have my ways. Oh and by the way, sorry if the Panic! one smells like me. I wore it to bed, but don't worry, I washed it. The smell just didn't go away." You laughed uneasily and bit the bottom of your lip.

"It's fine," he answered waving it off. You then turned around and grasped the bottom edges of your shirt to peel it off when you felt arms wrap around you and hands land above yours. Changing in front of Eren wasn't unnatural. You two had been the closest friends ever since kindergarten and nothing had ever weirded you two out. Other people found it strange, but it never seemed to faze either of you. Now when Eren began to pull up your shirt, you felt a little odd, yet in a way, aroused.

"What're you doing Eren?"

"Helping you change out of those wet clothes of yours." Your shirt was on the floor. His hand grazed over your back, sending goosebumps all around. "Looks like your back isn't wet. Let's check your stomach."

"W-" it was too late. Your body was trapped in between Eren's arms and body as if you were in a round cage. He hands roamed up and down your stomach. It felt amazing and so you subconsciously melted into his touch.

"I've waited so long. So damn long, Ashley." Eren placed his finger under your chin and moved it upwards towards his face, before connecting your lips. It didn't feel awkward like how it sometimes does with best friends. It felt right. The passionate kiss quickly turned into a lust-filled makeout as you both moved towards the bed. Eren licked the bottom of your lip demanding for entrance which he gladly received.  Your tongues danced together happily and before you knew it, you were laying on the bed, clothes and bra off.

Eren grabbed your hands and pinned them above your head as he left wet kisses all along your collarbone and down your chest. His hand groped your breasts and toyed with them, earning small moans from you. You wrapped your bare legs around his waist and pulled his warm body closer to yours, moving your hips to lightly grind onto him as much as you could just to piss him off a little. You then palmed him through his boxers a tad to annoy him. Eren groaned lightly, putting his head in the crook of your neck.

"Ashley..." he whined with a mix of a moan. You bit the side of his neck, sucking on the small bit, leaving a small red spot as he did to you. You'd definitely have to hide that so Levi wouldn't see it and flip out on you. You didn't know what he'd do if he found out his least favorite person took your virginity. It was already a hassle to get him to accept that you two were even friends.

Eren licked his fingers and his hand slowly moved down under your underwear to your crotch and he slid one finger in without warning. You gasped at the sudden movement. Eren pumped his finger in and out then added a second, moving it around and hooking it around until he him your sweet spot.

"Mgh fuck Eren! There! Right there!" you begged moaning with pleasure as he kept thrusting, "I'm gonna-"

"Not just yet, darling." Beads of sweat trailed down your forehead and you moved your hand down to Eren's boxers, sliding your hand under to his manhood. Your hand grasped around it and slowly began to move in an up and down movement.

"Ha... Mgh.... Ah... A-Ashley." Your lips made contact once again as your hand did its magic, moving up and down and back and forth. You both were a mess of moaning and sloppy kisses. His lips were actually, surprisingly, soft. "A-are-mggh-you ready?"

"Yeah-h. Don't-ah-move until I say-mgh-so." Eren pulled out and you let go and he placed hit tip right in front of your entrance then slowly moved it in. You gasped, but quickly got used to his size. You had to admit, it wasn't huge or small; it was in the middle. You didn't know how big it was supposed to be, you were a virgin after all as wel as Eren. Hell, you both weren't even sure if what you were doing was right! You just did what the fanfictions had in them. It was as simple as that.

"Go." Eren began to slowly rock in and out. "Ah! Eren!" you cried, gripping onto his back as his thrusts became quicker.

"Shhh..." he soothed kissing the tears away. You could feel your lower region tense up as you knew it was your climax. Your seeds spilled onto his manhood as he climaxed inside of you, shooting his not seeds into you. Your eyes widened and Eren collapsed beside you, slinging his arm over your bare chest. His arm tensed up.

"Holy fuck," Eren panted.

"Eren, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" you asked panting as well, unsure if he registered what you had done.

"We forgot to use a condom," you both exclaimed in sync, shooting up into a sitting position on the bed, looking straight into each other's eyes with fear.

Looks like they're goners.

Wow *sighs* it's been a while! I'm so sorry I've just been incredibly busy! I hope Ashley enjoys this xRaileenx  ! Sorry it's short too. Don't kill meh! *hides behind lamp*


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