Too cute! Neko Eren x reader

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I hope you enjoy this my fellow Titan bitches

"Um guys, why is there a little brown cat walking to our table?" Sasha asked slurping her soup. You turned around, curious as to what Sasha was saying.


"What the fuck did you do this time, Shitty Glasses?" Levi grunted quietly to Hanji.

"Shhhhhhhh! I whipped up something that I gave to Eren that made him turn into a cat. I'm experimenting on him and (Y/N)'s relationship!"

"And how does turning him into a cat prove anything about them being friends?" Hanji bursted out into a witch-like cackle, wiping tears from under her eyes.

"I don't know!" she yelled, continuing to laugh. Levi rolled his eyes and made a 'tch' sound. 


"I'll get the rat out of here," Jean announced standing up from the bench. You immediately shot up and ran to cat Eren who was hissing, blocking him from Jean.

"Jean I swear if you leave a finger on him, I'll feed you to the titans." Jean stepped away and held up his hands in mock surrender. You turned around to face the cat and smiled as you pet him; his soft brown fur and familiar teal eyes brought you into a trance. You snaked your hands under the cat and picked him up as he immediately got comfortable in your arms.

"Congratulations (Y/N)! You'll be taking care of the cat!" Hanji yelled happily as she clasped her hands together.

"W-What?" you asked in shock.

"You were the first person to show actual interest in the cat, so I'll let you take care of it!" You smiled loving the idea of having a pet cat.

"Thanks Hanji!"

"Oh please, call me Hanji!"

"I just di-" She waved you off and walked back to her table. You sat back down in your seat, weirded out and continued to talk.

"Are you really going to take care of him?" Connie spoke up.

"Yeah of course! I couldn't imagine not doing it," you responded excitedly.

It was nighttime and everybody retired back to their rooms. You stayed in the mess hall a little later to play with your new friend and to see if Eren would ever show up. He never showed up for practice or dinner and you started to worry. You brushed off the thought later on and finally made your way back to your room. You changed, brushed your teeth, closed the curtains, and set up a little spot on the bed for the cat.

"Goodnight little guy," you smiled, kissing him on the head earning licks to the cheeks and on the lips. You wiped your face off laughing then you collapsed in your bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Finally the morning came and you peeled your eyelids open and tried to stretch, but couldn't move. Your arms were wrapped around something warm and alive. You became fully awake and shot up in bed, waking up the large figure. What you saw was what you were least expecting; Eren laid naked with his back facing uo on the bed and a collar around his neck. You screamed.

"EREN WHAT ARE YOU DOING AND WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!" you screamed. Eren jerked up and started to stand. "No don't! I've already seen it your ass I don't want to see anything else!" Eren's cheeks turned a bright red. You wouldn't be surprised if your whole face was red.

"S-Sorry," he mumbled. You picked up a blue fluffy towel and threw it at him.

"Wear it." Realization smacked you in the face. "Oh my god." You put your hands over your face.

"What?" You uncovered your face.

"Remember last night when you licked me?" He shook his head. "W-Well you licked my lips..."

"So I pretty much kissed you in cat form?"

"Yeah..." You turned away embarassed.

"Well I don't remember any of it so maybe we should kiss so I can experience it."

"But you were a cat-" Eren immediately pushed his lips onto yours, shutting you up from sayinf anything else.

After a couple seconds you two pulled away and you let out a breath.

"Told you that would've worked!"

"That was the stupidest thing you've ever done, shitty glasses."


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