Pick up lines. Levi x Reader

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Requested by HolyLeviBooty
Hope you enjoy!

"Dare," you said grinning as Sasha asked you the question you ask for the corresponding game; truth or dare. Sasha squealed, happy that you had chosen dare.

"I dare you to uh... Eat this chip!" she said holding up a potato chip she had taken from her chip bag.

"Sasha that dare is shit, think of something better," Ymir spoke up crossing her arms.

"Ymir be nice!" Krista (A/N Also spelled as Christa) scolded slapping her girlfriend's arm lightly.

"I think-" you began but soon was interrupted by none other than Sasha.

"Alright fine! I dare you to... Ummm... USE PICK UP LINES ON YOUR NEIGHBOR LEVI FOR A WHOLE WEEK!" Your eyes widened.

"How do you know about him?!" you questioned worriedly.

"He's Annie's coworker and I sorta kinda followed him home once."

"Sasha! What the hell?!"

"I'm sorry! He was just really good-looking and I thought, 'why not see where he lives just in case something intimate happens between us?'"

"Oh my god," you groaned face palming, "let's just forget you ever said that and I'll just do the dare. How do I even complete it if you guys are never near me?"

"Easy! I'll just follow you everywhere and hide when you flirt with Levi." You had suddenly mentally cursed yourself for choosing dare. You thought that since it was Sasha, it'd just be something easy like the one she told you before Ymir had to come in and make her change it.

"Do I really have to do this? I mean I'm totally fine with eating the potato chip," you said butting in.

"You're definitely doing the second one," Ymir answered, "and it starts today, so go out there and use a pick up line on that midget." You groaned-but eventually got up-and made your way out of the comfort of your home. Your body stood in front of the dark blue door to Levi's house trying to move to ring the doorbell but failing to do so.

"C'mon (Y/N), ring it!" Sasha whisper-demanded from the bushes.

"I'm trying! I just gotta calm down," you replied raising your right pointer finger to the button next to the door. Your hand moved forward slightly closing the gap between the button and your finger creating a small ringing noise from inside the house. A few seconds later, a short figure with raven hair answered the door with a bored look on his face.

"What, (L/N)?" He asked his voice sounding as rude as ever, not that it never sounded like that. You tried to make a sexy face but failed miserably.

"Are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only-" he slammed the door shut cutting you off, "ten I see..." Sasha popped out from behind the bushes with a bag of potato chips you didn't even know she took with.

"What the potato was that?!" she asked crumbs flying out of her full mouth.

"A pick up line," you replied plainly shrugging. She looked at you like you were an idiot.

"What? It was the best thing I could think of!" Ymir appeared out of the bushes moments later clapping.

"Wow (Y/N). Just wow. That was gold." Sarcasm dripped from her voice. You put your hands up in surrender.

"Hey, you never said anything specific to do."

Day 2
You trudged to the front door of Levi's house once again for day two of your flirting dare. You didn't hesitate and immediately rang the doorbell holding a white rag in your right hand. Just like last time, Levi opened the door and stared at you. You held up the rag and tried to make a seductive face.

"Hey, does this rag smell like-" he slammed the door shut in your face for the second time. "Can't you at least let me finish my sentence, then slam the door in my face?!"

Day 3
Day 3. The day you were sure Levi would finally let you finish your sentence. You skipped up to his door and happily rang the doorbell.

"The fuck you want?" He asked annoyed.

"Mind if I..." You held up the black comb you slid in your back pocket before venturing to Levi's house. "Comb over? Eh? Eh?" He turned around and slowly shook his head as he shut the door.

"Well at least he let me finish my sentence."

Day 4
You were ready. It was the second to last day of your horrible dare. You found this pick up line quite nasty, but it was the only one you could think of at the moment, so you decided to just go for it and use it. What's the worst that could happen? He might get freaked out and never look at you the same, but hey, that's better than getting punched in the face or him getting a restraining order against you. You did the usual, and of course, Levi answered.

"Will you ever stop?"

"That," you said pointing to the outfit he was wearing. Black jeans and a dark green v-neck that outlined his abs. You had to admit he really did look hot. "makes me moist." Levi stared at you in disgust and disbelief then slammed the door shut. You could hear a faint, 'what the fuck' come from the inside the fun sized man's house.

"Eh, maybe tomorrow he'll surprise me when I use my favorite one on him."

The last day was your favorite day; not because it was the end of your dare, but also because you were going to use your favorite pickup line on Levi. You were sure he'd love it or at least you hoped so. The usual happened and guess what?? Levi opened the door.

"Your lips look dirty. Want me to clean them for you?" You prayed inside your mind that you'd get a better reaction than the ones before which was just getting a door slammed in your face. It was a pretty good reaction, but there needed to be more pizzazz with it. You believed it should have more drama with it like maybe a gasp or a laugh or them saying something that'd make you internally laugh and then burst out laughing once you walked away.

All Levi did though.... Was click his tongue and shut the door in your face... Again. You whined as you heard a quiet click sound signaling the door locked. You groaned upset that not even that pick up line worked. You knew Levi was a clean freak and you were puzzled on why he didn't like that. Your feet shuffled away from the door and pivoted around to show you the way down the steps and to the sidewalk that would lead you back home.

The same click that had sounded when the door was being locked was heard again and the same creak the door usually made was heard again as well. Then footsteps added in... Then a 'tch...' Then lips smacking against each other... Then the footsteps and door closing and locking once again...

You stood on the driveway of Levi's house dumbstruck at what had just happened. You soon smirked and began to walk home again.

"I guess that pick up line did work."

I'm seriously so sorry for the long wait!! I really hope you liked it!

~~ Raven

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