Stutters. Eren x Shy Reader

138 7 3

Requested by @wanderingscavenger

War Hammer Titan Era.

He is so... mean. The once heroic boy who wanted nothing more than to become a hero and save the world is now as cruel as can be. Yet you can't seem to keep your eyes off of him no matter how hard you try. You believe that deep down, the person who he was is still in there, but because of your crippling shyness, you don't know how to coax it out. Hell, you can't even remember the last time you built up the courage to speak to him.

The first and only time you'd spoke to him was when you were both in the Cadet Corps. He and his partner were sparring behind you, and something happened which ended in him falling on you and knocking you both over. You landed on the ground face first with a thud. The pressure that was once on your back lifted, and you felt someone lifting you up.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry," Eren rushed, his cheeks the color of fresh roses. You stared at the boy in front of you caught in a trance. You wanted to say that it was alright, but your extremely shy personality prevented you from doing so, so you stood there, staring.

After a few seconds of staring, Eren asked if you were okay and you stuttered, "O-oh, yeah. I-I'm okay. Thanks."

Thanks? Really?

He laughed and scratched the back of his head. "I'll try to be careful next time." And that's when you started crushing.

That once charming personality disappeared as if it were scorched away by the fiery anger that now resides in him.

You frequently try to speak to him, but it seems as though he's got better things to do than to sit around and try to have a conversation with you (which you know will end up being horribly awkward from past experiences). It only bothers you a bit, however, because you're used to it.

"I think if you'd tried just a bit harder, you could really hit it off with him," one of your only friends, Armin Alert, tells you, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Blah, blah, blah." You roll your eyes playfully. "Besides, how would you know? You told me you don't understand him anymore."

"Well I'm kinda just hoping that his romantic feelings are still the same as before. Come onnn! I think he's outside right now, so I'll bring you to him." Armin carefully places the thick book he is reading on the bed next to him and grabs your hand, lifting you off the bed with him. You sluggishly follow feeling your cheeks heating up at the mere thought of talking to Eren.

"Armin, I don't know if I can do this. Maybe we should just go back inside," you plead as your heart pounds the closer you both get to the green-eyed brunet.

"You'll be fine, (Y/N), I'll watch from a distance to make sure it all goes well. Don't worry." Before you can respond, the bright warm sun blinds your eyes. You shield them until they adjust and your eyes focus on Eren's back. I can't do this, oh my gosh. What if I say something wrong, and he ends up hating me for the rest of his life? Or what if-

"Okay we're here," Armin cuts you off. "Have fun!" And with that, he pushes you forward, making sure you bump into Eren, and disappears.

"S-sorry," you mumble, cursing yourself for stuttering. You keep your eyes trained to the ground and watch Eren's shoes turn to face yours.

"It's okay," he responds with a hint of amusement in his voice, nothing like the amusement he would have had back in the Training Corps, but it's still there. It was enough to make your heart flutter, but bitterness still holds onto his words. "Did you need something?" You finally look up and lock eyes with him. Eyes that watched their owner kill innocent civilians without taking a second glance. He couldn't have been aware though, right? He has his ear length hair in a half-up half-down style and you almost melt into the pavement at the attractiveness of it.

"I-I," you begin, stuttering. You aren't sure what to say. Armin dragged you here giving you no time to think of how to strike a conversation, and to make matters worse, Eren's looks swept all other words in your head away like a wave. Eren crosses his arms and you panic even more. You fiddle your thumbs hoping it helps, but it doesn't.

"Well?" You look to your side quickly hoping to catch Armin watching from somewhere. He gives you a thumbs up from behind bushes that are a few feet away, and you turn back to face Eren.

"I-uh-well y-you're really cute and-and I just th-thought I c-could get to know y-you." You silently curse yourself for being so shy and flustered all the time. Then the realization hits you; you just called Eren Jaeger cute. I'm so stupid. I just ruined everything. "Sorry t-that was weird. I'll go." You turn around and begin to walk away on the verge of tears before a hand firmly grabs your arm and turns you around. A ghost of a smile is on his lips and his eyes twinkle for a second. You blink a few times trying to figure out if you imagined that or not, but you can't seem to form coherent thoughts.

"You think I'm cute, huh?" he smirks, keeping his grasp on your arm. You're not sure what to do, so you nod shyly. "Well you're in luck." You raise an eyebrow. Where's this attitude coming from? Why isn't he being a huge dick?

"Huh?" Eren smirks devilishly with fire in his eyes that you haven't seen before. Passion, nerves, anger, everything all at once making it difficult for you to read him

"Y-you're pretty c-cute yourself," he mock stutters, making you giggle. Your cheeks heat up as if they are being pressed against a stove.

Oh my gosh I'm going to faint.


I'm so sorry this took so long ahh. I'm not quite caught up with the manga series, so I've written this based on the things that I know so far without spoiling a crap ton of it just in case people aren't caught up at all.

I really hope you enjoyed this @wanderingscavenger !! It was honestly super fun to make and was a nice way for me to reflect on Eren's character development throughout the series. I know it's not heavy into the War Hammer Era, but I also didn't want to include any major spoilers just in case. I'm planning on binging the rest of the chapters and catching up, so be sure to let me know if you want a more detailed one in the future. That one would probably take me wayyyy longer just because I gotta catch up to everything.

Stay safe and healthy everyone! AND DON'T GO OUTSIDE!

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