A Traitor Among Us.

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Erik led us to a small grate. According to him, it led right to the Lab. I was the only one besides Greg and Katie who could fit. Erik told me there was a machine in there that was about as big as my shack, maybe bigger. It sapped out the Animega's power slowly. It put the power into vials, which the Furies had labeled.  

I crawled into the grate. It was small and dusty, but my fox body could fit fine. I crawled for about 2 minutes before I found the room.  

Erik was right, there was a large machine in there. No one seemed to be there, I kicked off the grate and jumped inside. There was a door off to the side. I opened it. Inside, the walls were lined with about 90 vials About 3 per Animega.  

Each vial glowed with its own power. Each a different color. I grabbed all of them, putting them into 2 backpacks. They were made out of plastic, so I wasn't afraid of them breaking.  

I looked at the machine. It was very complex. Just to be safe, I rummaged through it and broke about every wire and computer chip I saw. I even stole a few cogs and bolts.  

I jumped out of the grate and hid the packs in some bushes. Erik and the others weren't there.  

'Don't panic,' I thought, 'they probably wondered off to not look suspicious.'  

I trotted around the corner of the building.  

There they were, all tie up in Animebinds. I stopped. Everyone...but Erik... had been captured. Furies held them all down....except for Erik.  

I transformed back to human.  

"Erik, WHY? Why would you? I trusted you! We trusted you! Why....." I fell to my knees.  

"Sorry Sam." He said, "I had to save my sister."  

The Furies forced the little girl from before forward. Erik held out his arms to hug her. But she didn't walk towards him.  

"You're not my Erik." She whispered. "You're a bad Erik. You're not my brother! I'm staying! I'm staying here with Max!" He looked down in shame.  

A Furie forced me to my knees and bound my hands together with rope. I spat at Erik's feet.  

"Even your own sister hates you." I said. "This is what happens when you become one of them. You lose everything." The Furie dragged me and everyone else away. "Remember that next time you decide to betray your friends! If there is a next time!"  

We were all thrown into the cellar of the main institute.  

Greg and Katie were hugging each other in fear. I hit the dirt wall.  "I should have listened!" I shouted. "I should have seen it!"  

Thomas put his hand on my shoulder. "What's done is done, Sam. We can't change the past."  

I sank to the ground. "It's hopless, there's no way out of here."

Katie lifted her hand up to silence us. "No, it's not. Don't you feel it?" She pointed further into the cellar. "An air current is coming from that direction. Fresh air is coming from over there."  

We didn't question it. We ran in that direction. A grate covered the exit. We could see small feet walking past us. It was only half a foot tall. Katie and Greg were the only ones that could fit.  

"Okay, both of you listen." I said. "You need to work together. There are three things I need you to do. One, remember where I crawled into that grate?" They nodded, "I left 2 packs in the bushes, check of they're still there. Two, get a good look around the place. Memorize the layout. Every tree, bush and Building. Three... get back here safe." I kissed their foreheads. "Good luck."  

They transformed and slipped through the grate. Thomas and I began digging with our hands. We continued to dig until Katie and Greg got back.  

"The bags are still there,"Katie said. "And we know where your bow is Sam."  

"Nice job guys." I said. "We will be out of here a a couple of minutes."  

As I said this, a hole opened up. But it wasn’t by our doing. My two least favorite people stood there at the entrance of the hole. The General Furie and Erik.  

"Well little missy," snarled the Furie. "Looks like you messed up our little project."

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