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The picture stayed in my mind. A girl with red hair and emerald green eyes. Damean, Katie and two other boys that looked like Greg and Erik. They were us, they looked just like us. A lump in my throat rose as I came to a realization. The reason Erik died, was because Damean couldn't stand to have history repeat itself. It was Erik or me that survived. Thanks to Damean, it was me.

I woke up in the four-poster bed in my room. It's crimson blanket rested on my small frame. A nest of pillows supported my head. I sat up, my head throbbing. Those memories weren't mine. But could it be that they were Alexandra's? I sighed and pulled off the warm comforter, placing my bare feet on the cold, wood floor. I heard voiced from outside the door. I tiptoed to the oak surface and pressed my ear against it.

"I'm telling you I didn't do anything!" I heard Damean yell.

"And you expect me to believe that?" Thomas growled. "I'm sick of your lies, Damean. I know you want to gain Sam's trust so that you can manipulate her into doing whatever you want! Once she wakes up, we're out if here!"

"No, no please, Thomas. Just listen to me, if you step through that portal, you doom everyone." Damean's voice cracked. A voice inside my mind told me he was telling the truth.

"Why are you so keen to keep us here? What do we have? Like you said, another will be born after Sam. It won't matter to you." Thomas pressed.

I pushed open the door and stepped out into the hall. Thomas' expression softened when he saw me. Damean's did too.

"It's because I remind him of his friend, Alexandra." I winced as I said the name, expecting to drop to the floor again. But, luckily, I stood standing.

"Is that what he told you?" Thomas's questioned in a strangled voice.

I nodded. "Thomas, I know that Damean hasn't been the...kindest...of people. But he's telling the truth. If we step through that portal, the Guardians will swarm and attack."

"The truth?" Thomas laughed in a strangled, cracked way. "When had Damean told the truth?"

"When I am around." I said. Only, I didn't say it. The words came out of my mouth, but they weren't my words. They were more smooth and happy. The voice that said it was more like the tinkling of bells. I slumped against the wall, suddenly feeling very dizzy and light headed.

"A-Alex?" Asked Damean, his purple eyes were wide. My head rolled to face him, but I'm not the one who move it. My lips curled into a kind smile, a knowing smile.

"Hello Damean." Said the voice. I was aware of everything like normal, but I couldn't control my body.

"Alex." Damean fell to his knees, staring in shock at me. Thomas stared at me, but not in the same shock that Damean had. Damean's was more hopeful, Thomas' was more awed. "I'm so sorry. I knew that Erin was corrupt, but I didn't think...I could have..." His own tears started to choke him.

"Sam." Thomas muttered. "What the...?"

"I do not blame you." The voice said. Alex's voice, she was using me to communicate with Damean. "No one is to blame. Not even those foolish Guardians. They wanted power, and I stood in their way. So, they disposed of me using my friends, my family. But that doesn't make them evil." That's something I would say. I could see Damean's logic now. He felt it was his fault that Alexandra died. And since I reminded him of her, he though I was Alexandra when he killed Erik. He was living in the past.

"Hey!" Thomas shouted. "Give back Sam! You can't just take her body like that!"

My head turned towards him. "I didn't take her body. We were one to begin with, ever since her first breath. We protected each other, even without her knowing it." Alex explained. I would have gasped, but all I could control was my thoughts. Could it be that Alexandra was the reason for my survival? The reason I was spared? Was she in me this whole time and I never noticed?

There was a feeling like a heavy blanket being lifted off of me. I massaged my temples, trying to get rid if the throbbing headache. Wait, I rubbed my temples. I moved something on my body. Giggling, I stood up. Alex had gone, I had full control of my body again. Thomas pulled me into a hug, he smelled like the crisp winter air. "What the heck just happened?" He breathed.

I pulled away and smiled. "I have no idea." Damean, who had seconds ago been too shocked to move, stood up. He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. His fingernails dug deep into my shoulders. He began to shake me, hard.

"Bring her back." He demanded, "give back Alex! Give her back!" He began to sob. "Alex! Give her back, please. Alex..." He slumped to the ground, pulling me with him. Thomas stepped forward, about to tear me from Damean's grasp. I shook my head, telling him to not come any nearer. My arms wrapped around the former Guardian. I let his head bury itself in my shoulder. I let him shed tears on me, let them soak into the thin fabric. Before, when he scrunched into a ball on the floor, he was pathetic. Now, he was just plain vulnerable. Damean wasn't a cruel, evil being who wanted to take over the world. He was human. He felt pain and grief and fear just like we do.

I felt sorry for him. He saw his best friend die. And just now, he heard her voice again. Damean blamed himself, all of these years, for her death. I think Alex either widened that wound, or made it a bit smaller. I don't know for sure. What I do know is that he was telling the truth. We could trust him.

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