Dreams in a bottle

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I was standing in a black castle. Everything was dark and demonic. There were pictures of demons and death on the walls. The air was cold, despite a fire that burned in the fireplace. I heard laughter, it sent chills up my spine. I reached back for my bow, but it wasn't there. I was alone with whatever was laughing.

Heavy footsteps echoed from the hall. I looked around for some kind of weapon, there was none. The footsteps drew closer and closer. I took deep breaths to subside the fear that was welling up inside me. The heavy door creaked open, and the thing was now in the room.

The "thing" was a boy around 17. He was pale and too skinny to be healthy. His hair was jet-black and fell over his purple eyes. The boy wore a leather jacket and black jeans. 2 small horns curled on top of his head.

He bowed in my direction. "I know this is a bit of a shock," he said, "I am Damean, Guardian of Demons and Fear."

My hand flew up to my mouth to hide the smile that was playing on my lips. This guy was Damean? The big cheese that created the Furies? This had to be some kind of joke.

"Am I too intimidating for you?" he asked. Damean's tone was dead-serious.

I shook my head, "No," I said, trying to refrain from laughing, "No, not at all."

He motioned to two black chairs that sat in front of the fireplace. We both sat in silence for a bit. He was the one to break it."I am intrigued by your actions, Samantha," he said, "not many can defeat my Furies."

I raised an eyebrow. "In truth, Damean, its really easy to kill them. Everyone is so scared of them, but I'm not. Not anymore. I don't see how even the other Guardians are scared."

Damean smiled, then he laughed that chilling laugh. "It isn't how strong the Furies are, it's what they represent. I created them, they are but a small part of my plan."

I crossed my arms. "And what exactly is this plan of yours?"

"The Council, the other Guardians. They banished me, they hated my power."

"So you want back in? All this just because you want to be accepted back into that?"

He shook his head. "No, I want to rule them. I want the Council to disappear. I want to be the king of the Guardians!"

"Oh," I mused, "you're one of those classic Take-Over-The-World villains."

"Villain? he replied, "I am not a comic book joke of evil who is easily defeated. I have plans, Samantha, big plans. You and your puny friends cannot even hope to defeat me."

This guy's ego was a bit too over the top.

"So what was the point of bringing me here?" I demanded. "What, you want me to pull a Star-Wars and join the Dark side or something? Or did you just want to demolish my hope?"

He smiled, "Both." he taunted, "you are a brilliant being, Samantha. But you are fighting for the wrong cause. The Guardians no longer have the authority to rule over humans and Animegas."

I stood up. "And you do?"

"No," he said, "all I have is power. I need someone to keep me in check, to help me rule the entities of the world. A king needs a queen."

"What makes you think I want to do that?" I shot up and clenched my fists at my sides.

He stood up and pulled me close to him. "Imagine it, Samantha. A whole world that belongs to you. What you say goes. All you have to do is join me, and it's all yours."

I pulled away from him. "Thanks, but no thanks. It does sound tempting and all, but that's not for me." I walked towards the door.

"If we rule the Guardians, you could have your family back. Thanatos would have to bring them back."

I turned around and saw my parents. My mom was just as I remembered her, pale blond hair and brown eyes. My dad had his black hair cut short and his brown eyes danced with laughter. The room changed until I was standing in a meadow. It was the meadow behind our old farm.

Dad and Max were playing catch, both were laughing and smiling. Mom was sitting on the porch, drawing in her sketchbook. Everyone seemed so happy, and it seemed so real.

Damean appeared behind me, he rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered in my ear. "Do you really want to give this up? Look how happy everyone is. Your family is everything you need. And you've been lacking one for 6 years of your life. Join me and it can be yours again."

The image rippled until I was back in the dreary room. I collapsed onto my knees. Was it really that easy? Damean crouched beside me and held out his hand.

"So what do you say, Sam?"

I closed my eyes and tried to picture my family. Instead, I saw my friends. Thomas, Greg, Erik and Katie. I had my family, I didn't realize it till now. I didn't need a Mom or Dad, I had a new family. One that I had a chance of defending.

I pushed Damean away and stood up. "No, I already have a family. Thanks for the offer, but like I said before, it isn't for me."

I began to walk towards the door.

"Samantha," he said, "I will stand by my offer. So if you change your mind...just use this."

A black whistle landed next to my foot. I picked it up and put it in my pocket, no use making this guy mad. Or, at least, any more mad than I will probably make him in the future. 

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