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I could only stare at the black doors. The banging on the dark wood drowned out the sound of Katie's sobs. Erik is dead. And it's all my fault. If I had just given in, he would still be alive.

I wanted desperately for Thomas to break down those doors. Just so I wouldn't feel so alone. Tears blurred my vision, my heart beat matched the banging on the heavy door.

There was a loud crack and the tears fell away. The large black doors were now white with ice. There was a long thick jagged line in one of the doors. I could barely see Thomas ramming the door through the crack. The doors broke into tiny splinters.

Thomas, Greg, Calypso and Katie darted through the door. Erik lay in a puddle of his own blood. I wondered if he could see us, if he knew he was dead. Damean stepped in front of me and raised his palm towards my friends. His dagger hung from a leather sheath.

Without thinking, I jumped up and snatched the dagger from his belt. There was no way he was hurting another one of my friends. I would rather die than let that happen...I would rather die...My hands pointed the black dagger at my heart. "One move, even a single flicker of black fire, and I plunge this into my heart!"

Damean turned towards me. His face softened, I knew what he was going to try to do. "Now, now, Samantha. What cause is worthy enough to end your own life?" He held his hand out to me, I took a step back. "Hand it over before you hurt yourself." Good choice of words, but it wasn't enough to overpower my stubbornness.

"I would hate for your plans to end to quickly. It all rides on my life, doesn't it? If I'm dead, you can never defeat the Guardians, you can't have your way." I sneered. Strangely, I wasn't afraid of dying. Call me crazy, but my life didn't matter as much as everyone else's. "you aren't going to hurt them any more, Damean. Let my friends go through the portal, and I will live."

He smirked. "You don't have the guts. If you die, who will protect your friends? And there are many other fools out in the world, it hardly matters to me if you die."

'Liar.' I thought. Killing myself won't be enough to faze him. What's worse than watching someone you care about die? Watching them die slowly, watching them suffer and knowing you could have saved them.

I glanced the the black blade. I took the dagger and poked a tiny hole in my pointer finger. A drop of red blood slowly darkened to black. Burning pain erupted from the tiny wound. I dropped the dagger, trying hard to ignore the pain.

"Make up your mind, Damean." I rasped. "There is a little time before the black blood reaches my heart. And surely you have an antidote." I winced as the pain slowly crept up my arm. "Am I important or not? Now is the time to give me a straight answer." I fell onto my knees, gripping my burning arm.

Through the pain, I saw a flash of fear pass over his face. Damean gritted his teeth. "Alright!" He hissed and turned towards my friends. "Get out of here! And take the corpse with you!"

Thomas slung Erik over his shoulders, his gray shirt became soaked with my dead friend's blood. "Sam-" he warned, his voice cracked.

I smiled weakly. "I'm me, remember? Don't worry, he's not letting me die now, why would he kill me later?" A gasp tore through my throat as the pain reached my shoulder.

Damean knelt over me and pulled a vial from a pocket in his leather jacket. It looked like milk with swirls of gold and silver. He pulled off the cork and held it to my lips. I drank the white liquid. The pain slowly subsided.

Thomas and the others jumped through the portal. I smiled and tried to stand up. Black dots started to cloud my vision, I stumbled back a few steps. Once I was stable, I took a step toward the portal. A firm hand grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?" Damean snarled. His purple eyes burned with loathing.

I smirked. "Home." My foot collided with his groin. He let go of my arm and fell back. Just because he was immortal, doesn't mean he couldn't feel pain. The black dots became thicker.

I darted towards the portal, determined to get there before I fainted. Just as the darkness overcame me, I jumped through the watery surface. 

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