A Truth Unmasked

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My whole body was trembling, my heart was racing. And my stupid curled hair wouldn't stay out of my face! Was I really doing this? I was abandoning my friends. My legs moved in robot-like jerks, each clumsy step brought me closer to the exit. And farther from the only people I cared about. 'You still have Max.' I thought. But Max wasn't enough anymore. I finally had a family again, not just Max. And now they are making me leave them behind...like mom did.

Mom...Dad...it was their deaths all over again. They were being brave, protecting me. And me...I was running again. Running away, instead of fighting back. I was a coward, I can't even protect the people I love. All I can do is run away, that's all I'm useful for.

A firm hand grabbed my arm and yanked me back. My wrists were twisted and bound together faster than I could blink. Pressure was placed on my windpipe as Damean wrapped his arm around my throat.

"Is that what you chose?" he growled, pressing harder on my neck. "To send your friends to their dooms?" he laughed hysterically, "If that's your choice, then you will have a front row seat to the event!"

He stretched his free hand forward. Tiny black dots were dancing across the room. I tried to claw at his arm, but my hands were bound.

"You demon!" Erik screamed, "if my Animega wasn't blocked, you'd already be a goner!"

"Ya!" Greg added, "you think you're so high and mighty! But try beating us in a real fight!"

I could feel Damean's heart start to race against my back. They were ticking him off. I tried to back-kick him in the groin, but my dress was restraining my legs.

“Leave Sam out'a this," Thomas said calmly, "your fight is not with her."

"You heard him!" Katie yelled, "leave her alone!"

Tears started to stream from my eyes again. I don't know if it was from the lack of oxygen, or if I was just being an emotional wuss. I tried to call out, to tell them to stop. But I could barely manage a squeak.

Damean adjusted his free arm so his palm was facing Erik. "Let's begin the show with you. He has spirit, don't you think Samantha? Let's see how long until we can break him!"

"N-no," I choked. I tried to change into a fox, or even make a wooden torture device move. Not even a twitch. Animebinds, awesome. A plan, I needed a plan.

Erik collapsed onto the floor, screaming his head off. "He's a fighter," Damean chuckled, "I'll give him that." How could he be so calm about someone suffering? What was this guy's problem?

I saw something glimmer in Thomas' torn jacket sleeve. Erik's screams echoed throughout the dungeon. It was silver, slender and sharp. My dagger! Damean was so focused on Erik's suffering that he didn't notice Thomas pull it from his jacket.

I head-butted Damean as hard as I could. He loosened his grip enough for me to slide away. Thomas skidded the dagger across the floor. I grabbed it and cut away the binds. YES, I was free! Now, I only had 3 options. Run, fight the psycho, or give in and help him take over the world. Well, I was tired of running and there was NO WAY I was letting this guy kill the Guardians. So, my mind was made up.

Dagger in hand, I stood my ground. Erik had stopped screaming, which was either a good or bad thing. Millions of thoughts played through my head. All of them were trying to figure out how to defeat the Demon Guardian. I kicked off my high-heels. They were just slowing my down. Awesome, I had a weapon, but that doesn't automatically mean I win.

Damean wiped away a small trickle of blood from his split lip. His violet eyes burned with madness. "So that's the game you want to play?" he taunted, "Alright, let's play!"

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