Plan of Attack

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All of us gathered in the ballroom. Damean, Thomas and I stood in front of them. We agreed to not tell anyone about Alex; or at least not about her being in my mind. It just seemed too much to take in, especially now. We couldn't stay here forever, Damean couldn't keep the barriers up much longer. And we couldn't run from the Guardians forever. We had to fight, that was the only option left.

"We don't have to win." I announced. "We just have to make it too much effort to get to us." They were all silent, all had serious faces. " proved Damean to be trustworthy."

"Did he tell you about Alexandra?" Katie asked.

I closed my eyes and sighed. "Yes, he did. The reason I know he is trustworthy is because of my...resemblance to his old friend."

Calypso snorted, "Resemblance? You could be her clone. Same looks, same attitude, same obsession with keeping others safe-"

Damean glared at his sister. She smirked, "Not to mention he had a huge crush on her-"

"Calypso!" Damean snarled. She shrugged and kept her mouth shut.

Thomas stepped forward. "Like Sam said, we just have to create a lot of trouble for them." He picked up and old trunk, the kind people used to have when they went off to a college or boarding school. Crouching down, he opened it. "Damean's original friends were rather...mischievous. Greg and Katie," he threw a leather-bound notebook at the two, "this was George's old journal. Apparently he liked to build bombs of all kinds. You're in charge of firepower.

"Max, Sara and Abby," Thomas said, throwing them 2 large spools of fishing wire and a map of the castle. "You three are in charge of trip wire. Place them in any hallway, of any height you can reach. Just remember to mark exactly where you put them on this map."

"Can we make a spiderweb?" Max asked excitedly.

Thomas smiled. "Sure, just draw a little spider on the map where you put it. Okay, Calypso." He tossed her a can of slow-drying glue and a paintbrush, "cover the stairs except for a thin line on the far right. Just big enough for us to slip through."

Calypso raise her hand in a mock salute. "Aye-aye captain."

"Since Damean knows where all of the secret passages are, him and I will be in charge of pits." Thomas stated.

"Er, Thomas, are you sure you're okay with being...alone... with him?" I asked. His eerie smirk tattooed itself in my mind. My shoulder started to throb where he had plunged the dagger. Now was the time for revenge against the Guardians, not for killing each other. Damean's glassy eyes and torn smile burned into my eye lids. There was no way someone could be sane and keep that smile on their face while being torn apart. Maybe trusting him wasn't l such a good idea.

"Ya, I'm good Sam. Don't worry." I knew he meant don't worry about me turning into a psychopath with a wish to torture anything he sees.'

"They'll be fine." A voice said in my head. It was spoken by that familiar bell-like voice.

"Get out of my head." I growled under my breath.

"If you want to defeat the Guardians, you'll be needing my help." Alex said.

"I don't want your help." I snarled.

"Um, Sam, you okay?" Greg asked.

I held a finger up. "Hold on. Freaky inner voice is ticking me off." Everyone looked at me in confusion. Thomas and Damean exchanged glances.

"Too bad." I could almost see her smirk. I suddenly felt dizzy. No, no way was I going to faint in front if these people.

"Alex." I growled. "Don't."

Once again, my body was taken over. My feet were on the ground, I was still standing this time.

"Okay, guys." Alex said, clapping my hands together. "I'm fine, don't we have some Guardians to get revenge on? Come on, let's get to work!" Everyone but Damean and Thomas ran out of the room.

"What?" She asked innocently. God, why did she have to freaking posses me? "Sam, they were getting frightened." She whispered.

"Ya, well you possessing me isn't helping!" I shouted.

"Alex?" Damean asked. He had shut down again, great.

I smiled at him. Mentally, I gritted my teeth. This sucked! "Sorry, I'll return her in a second." She apologized. Good, she wasn't stealing my body forever.

"No, no please stay." He begged. Damean cupped my cheek with his pale hand. I smiled sweetly back. "I'm sorry, I just...haven't seen you in-"

"Over two hundred years." Alex finished.

"BLEH, barf fest. Give me my body back, Alex!" I yelled. "Thomas, Thomas get him away from my body! It's creeping me out!"

My mouth curved into a frown.

"What is it?" Damean asked tenderly.

"Sorry, someone is anxious of gaining full control of her body again." Alex sighed. Then Damean did something I never thought he'd have the courage to do. His mouth slammed against mine, and there was nothing I could do about it. Alex moved my mouth along with his. Then, I had full control of my body again.

I pulled away and my fist collided with his jaw. "Not cool!" I screeched. "Not cool at all!" I pointed a finger at Thomas. "Why didn't you stop him?"

He was frozen in shock. Pathetic. I wiped my mouth and stormed out of the ballroom.

"Why did you let him do that?" I accused Alex.

"I'm sorry, did I kiss him first," she questioned.

"No, but you didn't stop him either. That was NOT how I wanted my first kiss to go!" I snarled. I could hear giggling in the back of my head. Grumbling, I threw myself onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.

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