The Beast Inside Me

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Damean laughed as Thomas stepped out the the dungeon cell. The sword at my neck bounced up and down. I wondered if I could grab it, probably not without killing myself. "This is priceless," he bellowed, "you, Tommy boy, fight me? Not only that, but you think you have a chance of winning!"

Thomas ignored him, a determined mask covered his usually calm face. I gave him a weak smile. "Hey," I croaked, my throat dry, "where'd you learn that trick?"

He winked, "Secret."

"Aw," I whined, putting on a fake pout, "come on!"

He didn't answer and walked towards me. Damean became serious again and yanked my hair until I stood up. He pulled my head back so my neck was a large target. "One more step," he growled, "and I will slit her throat."

Thomas stopped, his eyes were cold. "We both know you wouldn't. You NEED her." He took another step forward. Damean didn't waver, he tightened his grip. I could swear he ripped a chunk of hair from my head. My breathing was shallow, my chest rose and fell in shaky jerks.

"One more step, I dare you." Damean sneered. Thomas didn't move. Good, I would like to keep my head. I saw a familiar glint in Thomas' hand. What was it with Thomas and hiding my dagger around his body? I remembered what Sylva had said; it won't work if it was in someone else's hand.

"Thomas," I warned.

"I know."

A streak of silver flew through the air. Damean's sword clattered to the ground. He let go of my hair to pull the dagger from his wrist. It was weird, seeing no blood from such a deep wound. He got the dagger out and swiped at me. An icy shell covered the floor. it was angled so I slid out of the way and towards Thomas. I tripped over the flat surface and into Thomas' arms. Smooth, Sam,REAL smooth.

A gust blew through the room, powerful energy surged through his arms and into my body. It felt like my dress was dissolving. I looked down to see the blue fabric ripple and shimmer. In a mere second, my dress was gone and replaced by a green t-shirt and cargo pants.

Still not going to teach me that trick?" I asked.

Thomas' expression was grim. "You and Katie grab the guys and get out of here." his silver eyes flickered a bright purple.

"So... no magic lesson?" he didn't answer. Thomas' eyes were no longer on me, they were on Damean.

"Thomas, you aren't thinking of taking him on alone, are you?"

"Sam," he muttered, "I know Damean, I know his strategies and battle techniques. If anyone has a chance, I do."

I grabbed his arm as he began to walk past me. "Don't be so reckless. He knows the same things about you."

"Thing is, Sam," he said, Thomas' eyes bore into mine. "he has nothing to fight FOR. He has nothing to lose, I do."


Sam pursed her lips. Her fiery red hair fell around her face in ringlets. Her emerald eyes shimmered with worry. I wanted so much for her to stay, to fight along side me. No, if I did that...I might lose control. It has happened before, every time I cut down an innocent person. I never thought to control it, I never wanted to. But I had to give the others a window, a chance to get out of the castle. And the only way to do that was distract Damean.

I've seen how Sam is. She is amazing in a fight. But if someone she cares about is being help hostage or tortured, she is powerless. All her fighting will disappears, and she will do anything to save them. I can understand why. Her parents were murdered, she couldn't protect them. She couldn't fight alongside them, not without putting Max at risk. So, she ran.

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