• 4kg (8.82 pounds) quality white chocolate
• 600g (21.16 ounces) oreos
• large funnel
• kisses pdf print and cut into stripsDirections:
1) Melt and temper your white chocolate. If you don't temper it it won't set firm at room temperature.2) Block one end of the funnel then put the whole thing into a container to hold it upright.
3) Ladle some of your tempered chocolate into the funnel and along the sides. Make sure you are using real chocolate that contains cocoa butter, compound chocolate doesn't taste as good and if you're giving someone a giant gift you want it to taste amazing not just look good.
4) Add in your oreos. Pressing some onto the sides so that you can see them on the outside of the kiss. Keep piling in more chocolate and oreos until the funnel is full.
5) Leave to set overnight at room temperature. Then place in the fridge for 30 minutes before tipping out to help loosen the mold.
6) Follow the directions in the video for carving the chocolate to just the right shape. Then wrap in foil with the kisses printout down the middle.
Chocolate Desserts & More
RandomOne thing I love to do besides writing is baking. Especially baking things that involve chocolate. There are also gonna be recipes that aren't chocolate based, so I hope you enjoy this. All of the recipes, videos and music attachments go to the orig...