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Third person POV

The last song of the night was The New National Anthem. It was a song that they hadn't played in such a long time but Vic wanted to play it. Even he didn't know why.

"'ll be excited just to see me someday...." he sung trying not to look down at the girl with the camera. San Francisco was their last show, San Francisco was the closing curtain for yet another chapter. After this it was going to be months of staying at home and probably working on new music.

"Everything's okay!....." he grabbed the microphone and brought it with him. He stood on the platforms and looked out to the crowd. Fans yelling, jumping, some even crying, so many people that had came out from God knows where to see his little band that started in little San Diego. Who ever thought that they were going to get this far? Four dudes who knew how to play instruments and had a fascination with rock music. Dudes who decided to get together and wish that one day they could be the new ACDC or the new Beatles. That hasn't happened yet but it really didn't matter to Vic anymore.

He was happy with his crowd, he was happy with his fans and happy with what he was doing. He didn't want to be like those bigger bands anymore he wanted to be himself. He wanted for Pierce the Veil to carve their own path and so far it seemed like that was more than possible.

On another hand Acadia kinda stopped being their photographer and turned into another fan of theirs. Occasionally she did take some photos but the lens only captured so much of the beauty. Anyone who has gone to a Pierce the Veil show know that there's nothing more but raw energy and heartfelt lyrics. Everyone has a different story but during the show everyone comes together. Acadia looked up admiring the four guys while thanking the universe for the great opportunity that had been given to her. After this Pierce the Veil was going to be nothing, the band life was over for her.

She had gotten the job with Alternative Press, two days after she had applied they called her and hired her. There was one problem though, she might have to move across the country to get the job. New York to be exact. The guys don't know about it though but she also doesn't want to jump to any conclusions and tell them.

"Thank you all so fucking much for coming out! You have no idea how special it is to us that you came!" Vic's voice made her come to life once more. Photographers were piling up at the center of the stage trying to get a perfect shot of the man. She too had to finish her job so she joined in pushing people out of the way.

"This is the last date of the tour...we didn't really give it a name but I think that we should give it a proper name like all the others" said Tony panting.

"Do any of you have a tittle?" Vic asked looking back at Mike, to the side at Jaime then to the other at Tony. "No? Well imma give it a name...."

"Hmmm....I wonder what you'll name it" mentioned Jaime before leaning down to get his water bottle and taking a swig.

"How about the 'Don't Leave Me, My Love' tour?" He spoke and the audience cheered.

"Are you implying something?" Asked Mike.

"N-No! What makes you think that?" He asked.

"Yell 'Hell yeah!' If you think that that should be it's original name?" Immediately everyone yelled in unison, the venue was bursting. The four men laughed happily after seeing and hearing their adoring fans. The four came to the front of the stage, placed one arm around each other, stared down at the crowd then bowed. That moment was also when Acadia got the perfect shot, the picture that would go on to make her whole life.


I stood paralyzed at the bottom of the stage with camera in hand watching above to where the four were a few seconds ago. The energy was still there, I could feel it even though everyone was exiting the venue. Watching how their instruments were being picked up made me a little bit sad, the saddest person at a Pierce the Veil concert.

Its Harder Breathing Next To You. A Pierce The Veil Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now