You Must Understand That Our Friendship Is Done.

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Vic's POV

Immediately after we wen to our signing table. Most of the people we're fan girls many congratulated me but some were a bit rude.

"Hey Mike has Acadia come back?" I asked him.

"No she hasn't returned" he answered and went back to selling band merch. I was getting a bit worried so I decided to go look for her.

"I'll be back" I told Tony and he nodded. I walked all over the place and I didn't find her who I did find was Austin.

"Hey man have you seen Acadia?" I asked him.

"Yeah I saw her with Kellin they were looking for you" he said.

"Oh ok thanks" I wave bye and i keep going until I see them right outside his bus.

"Hey Acadia are your okay?" I ask her and she looks up at me with bloodshot teary eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" I crouched down and took her in my arms.

"Hey Vic I-"

"It's okay don't worry about it thank you for helping" I told him.

"Anything for a friend plus she's my cutie too it hurts to see her cry" he caressed her cheek and he walked away.

"Hey you okay?" I asked her but she didn't turn to look at me. I lifted her face with my finger and I used my thumb to brush off tears from her cheeks.

"Look at me...whatever it is it's going to be okay...I promise" I told her and it seemed to make her feel better. "Now just calm down and tell me what happened" I sat beside her and wrapped one arm around her.

"I went to look for Jaime and I went to the RV. I found him and tried to talk to him but he started yelling that he didn't want to see me anymore. I tried but he kept yelling so I left" I knew it Goddammit Jaime can be such a bitch.

"It's okay I'll take care of it. Whatever he said I know he didn't mean it. Jaime isn't like that " I said and I took her to the signing table for Mike and Tony to try and cheer her up.

=====after concert in RV=====

After the signings and everything was over we put our equipment in the van and went back to the RV. Honestly I didn't know what to expect when we got back.

"So have fun?" I asked Acadia and the guys.

"Yeah it was awesome" answered Tony. Mike went ahead and opened the door and let us go in and what we saw was bad pretty bad.

"Get the fuck out!" said drunk Jaime who was splattered on the table with a bottle of Tequila and various cans of beer. his eyes were bloodshot and he was still crying.

"Jaime..." said Tony surprised. We knew Jaime wasn't much of a drinker so seeing this surprised is to the maximum.

"What the hell do you want? get the fuck out" he said again. and I went in front of the guys.

"And fucking bastard I don't want to see your face again. I hate you with all my being I hate you" he spit in my face.

"Jaime calm down you don't know what you're doing" I tried to calm him down.

"Don't tell me to calm the fuck down Victor!" he said again.

"Guys cool it" said Acadia trying to stop this before it got into something worse.

"Shut the fuck up you goddamn bitch" he said to her.

"SHUT UP!" I punched him. He got back up and touched his nose which was now bleeding. He ran towards me and slammed me against the wall kneed me in the stomach but before he could do anything else I punched him again and he fell back. I took advantage and I launched myself and punched him endlessly. He landed a few punches on me but I kept going I didn't care about anything less of the stinging pain in my knuckles.

"Alright Vic that's enough!" yelled Mike pulling me back away from him.

"Let him go Mike!" yelled Jaime as Tony tried to keep him away too.

"Don't talk to my girl like that again or I swear I will fucking kill your ass!" I yelled at him.

"Then what the hell are you waiting for I'm right here!" he extended his arms I was so pissed off right now.

"Cool it Jaime!" yelled Tony.

"You're lucky Mike is holding me back!" I yelled at him.

"Shut the fuck up Vic!" yelled Mike at me. I managed to get away from his strong grip and I tasted blood in my mouth then I noticed my nose was also bleeding.

"Hey babe you okay?" I asked Acadia wrapping my arms around her. She pulled away and looked at my knuckles that were pretty fucked up. She dragged me to the bathroom and sat me on the toilet. She was silent and didn't say anything as she got out the med kit. She cleaned and bandaged my hands and made sure I stopped bleeding.

"Acadia look at me" I told her but she didn't. "Acadia!"

"Look at me" I lifted her face and I saw a sad expression plastered on her face. "Baby I would do anything for you I love you okay." still she said nothing and continued to do her thing.

"Alright you're all done" she said to me but before getting up I kissed her head. I walked out the bathroom and to the bunks so I could get ready for bed.

"I don't think you understand but you're nothing to me from this point on. I can't stand you" said Jaime going through still drunk. I said nothing and he walked away satisfied with himself. I don't think he realizes what he's doing.

Its Harder Breathing Next To You. A Pierce The Veil Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now