Still I'm Here Holding On Confess My Heart and Forgive My Wrongs.

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I woke up and I looked around I was in the living room of the Hotel with someone's arm around my waist. I turn my head to find Vic soundly sleeping beside me thank god we still had our clothes on. I look around to find both Jaime and Tony splattered on the ground and Mike on the Kitchen counter top what the fuck was going on? I got up and removed Vic's arm off my waist but then some moaning came from him but I ignored it. Then at the same time Tony opened his eyes looked around and went back to sleep. "Oh shit" I murmur to myself as I cover my eyes from the light I stretched and walked towards the fridge and took out a water bottle. I made toast and I put the Nutella jar on the counter beside Mike and there you go TA-DAA! Breakfast is served. My head throbbed and I was too lazy to make anything more elaborate so there. Shit I'm hungover my head was killing me well I can see we all are. "Who's next?" murmured Mr. Whiskey Hands in his sleep I chuckled and I got up and I went to get the pills from my bag.

I walked out my room and as soon as I set foot I felt someone's arm wrap around me pulling me back ito the hallway. "Morning beautiful" said a guy I turned to see Vic as he gently kissed my nose. "Morning" I say "your breath smells like beer" he laughs "shut up your breath isn't as pleasant either" I said back. "You enjoy our date?" he asked me "yeah it was...sigh it was magical" I responded in a flattered tone. "Well hope you did" he then lightly pecks my lips creating butterflies in my stomach "come on lets go wake up Mr. Whiskey Hands" I say as I lush him away and take his hand. We turn around the corner to find both Jaime and Tony sitting down spreading Nutella on bread. "Here" I say as I toss Tony the bottle of pills he takes one and passes it to Jaime. I kneel do my face is in front of Mikes and I whisper for him to wake up. "Here get down from there" I say as he sluggishly raises his head realizing he's sleeping on the kitchen counter top. We all ate peacefully well...not really we're all extremely hung over so we didn't speak much.

Well its 5pm time to get back on the road. We all packed everything said goodbye to the hotel room filled with recent memories and went down to the RV. But once we got there it was just way more fun these guys are crazy and just so weird. Either way as they fought for the last beer in the fridge and I just watched from the living room alone. I laughed now and then but I couldn't get over the fact that both Jaime and Vic glanced at me from the other side of the room.

Vic's POV

I can't remember a single thing from yesterday night everything I can remember is our date and the club that's all. Then after that it was a mess then poof! I was laying asleep beside Acadia sleeping how? I have no idea. Either way we were now fighting for the last beer making ourselves look like fools. I walked up to her and I wrapped one arm around her bringing her closer to me placing her head on my chest. "Hey beautiful what you up to?" I ask as she looks up and I notice her rosy cheeks. "Nothing really" she says as she pecks me on my lips. I sit there surprised as she gets up and pulls me with her to the back to the bunks.

We both sat in my bunk beside each other then she pulls my guitar from the side of my bed. "Teach me how to play" she says "what for?" "well Jaime said he was going to teach me how to play bass guitar and I want to surprise him" did she say Jaime? Teach her? Guitar? Are you serious? I was having trouble understanding her words. "Uh...sure" I say as I grab the neck of the guitar and place it gently in her arms we spend about 45 minutes teaching her chords and strumming. To my surprise she's good and playing and she learns quickly which was pretty good. "That's all you need to know" I say as I take the guitar and place it at the side of the bed. "Thank you Vic" she says shyly "come on don't hide it" I tell her "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!" she yells as she jumps and hugs me tightly knocking us over and making her lay on top of me. "Your beautiful" I say as I move hair off her face and look into her eyes. "Shut up Fuentes" she says as she sits on my hips blushing.

She then gets up and goes back to her bunk and I walked to the kitchen were Jaime was sitting. "Cute what you did back there" he says as I open the fridge "what're you talking about?" I ask. "Don't play dumb Vic we all heard the "you're beautiful" and the "don't hide it" shit really cute" he says sarcastically "so now you're listening to my conversations" I ask a bit pissed. "Not all but the ones you have with Acadia especially" "okay Jaime what's up?" I ask turning around standing in the middle of the small area "oh nothing but I wouldn't get too close if I were you" he says to me as he stands up. "Why not? As far as I'm concerned I thought you were scared" I said before leaving "well at least in not the one who had to consider if to fire her or not" he says then he leaves leaving me in there completely petrified. Oh god.

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